Hi Everyone: OT Durability - Buy 3years used?

Hello knowladgable ones,

I’m about to pull the trigger on a used OT and just found out it is still rocking OS 1.0…

So who here has used & abused an OT or another Elektron device for such extended periods of time and could share their experiences?

that would be helpful :wink:

Ive treated mine like gold, since new less than 1 year and the parameter knobs are now a bit wobbly which can cause a bit of a scratchy feel when you turn them once in a while. Its not major, but i would say the build quality of how they mounted the knobs is really poor.

Hi Snafoo,

when all knobs and switches are ok you can buy it. To update the OT with an new firmware its easy. Hows the Price?

Greetings NightGrap

I bought mine used 6 months ago. Previous owner had it for long enough that the warranty is out of date now. I’ve had zero problems other than one knob doing the stiff motion described above. I wouldnt say “scratchy” but I get what is meant! It doesn’t do it often either. Everything else is fine but it has never been gigged with or repeatedly moved about.

Like all pieces of hardware, encorders are liable to malfunction at some point. Just one of those things but I’m very happy with my OT in terms of its 2nd hand condition.

I have an OT right now and I use mine kind of roughly and I’d say that nothing is wrong with it whatsoever. I am not necessarily gentle with my gear, although I don’t mash it either.

Some of the encoders are a little loose but Elektron has said many times that this is not a problem and that it just happens. They are not really loose more like some of them are just a little bit shaky. But it is literally not a problem in any way other than the feel, which you totally forget about when you are jamming and it does not jitter in any way.

Wow, you guys are fast,
thanks a lot!

Seller says all buttons, encoders and the fader are fine,
and is asking half of new price,
so that sounds to good to pass up…

hope it is not to good to be true :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

An OT at half price is a bargain. Enjoy, man, you’ll love it! :slight_smile:

$650ish for an OT :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Nice…

Mine is three years old (a preorder) and the only thing I had to have done was to recently fix the headphone jack crackle that seems to have plagued a lot of early units. I hope yours is okay in that regard. My A and D knobs are a little wiggly/scratchy against the chassis (D has been that way since I got it, I didn’t notice the A at all until just last week).

As a whole, my OT is a solid little champ.

I’ll make the wild deduction that if the owner never bothered upgrading from v1.0 it probably wasn’t used much. Anyone actually into using their OT would have taken the time to update the OS…

I had mine bought new (actually ex-demo unit) but with full warrranty and i had encoder-A that if turned slowly it was ok, but if moved fast (acceleration) it wouldn’t behave correctly, actually sometimes, going in the opposite direction.
So…make different-speed encoders (all!!) movement tests.
Looking at the value displayed!
Plus the crossfader: lock the two Scenes to known sounding states and check if the extreme positions (full left/full right) give you expected results.

Hey Snafoo,

buy it. its a very nice Price!!

Thanks again for your answers!
I went ahead and bought it :heart: :alien: :+1:
now waiting for the parcel to arrive…

yeeeees, that is exactly what I’m hoping…

great tips.
I’ll probably ask for many more once the OT is here & running :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I picked up an Access Virus C on ebay about a year and a half ago and it wasn’t on the latest OS either. Considering how old the Virus C is and how long it has been from the last OS update, this really shows the guy didn’t do much with this thing. And you know what? It was in great shape. So this sounds about right.

I got mine the week they came out, no problems at all… seems to be pretty durable compared to my previous Machinedrum UW that I had to get repaired twice in 3 years.

Mine’s built like a tank - coming up on 3 years, not one issue (other than the fact I’d like to wring its neck on a regular basis, like Homer Simpson with Bart, for making me lose a PART or a bunch of slices) WHY YOU… !!!

haha this is so true.

:sob: :angry: :disappointed:

I got offered that Octatrack because a higher bidder pulled back from the deal,
now seller says higher bidder is back in and I’m getting my money back…

guess I’ll save up for a new one…

Well, that’s shitty!

Hi octatrack users. Need a small advice…or favour?

I want to buy a second hand Octatrack, (there’s one not too far away), 3 years old and I am afraid of buying older machines. I mean people turn and twist those buttons and pots for 3 years!

Is there something to worry about in functionality and is there a way to tell/test if OT is in good condition? Do the encoders start to go out after time?

Would you buy a 3 year old OT if you didn’t know them?

Thanks in advance for an advice…
PS. I know it depends on users, I mean 3 year use of OT in general.

Hold function while turning on to run test mode, learned this getting a second OT the other day but this one was bought like 2 months ago luckily. I think people look after elektron gear pretty well so I wouldn’t worry about it, turn it on and check all your encoders and such, the regular once over and check out user feedback. Obviously the lack of warranty might even be grounds to renegotiate price depending on what you’ve been offered