Hexagons and coil whine

I’m gonna be that guy that overfixates on things, but I just got my OT mk2 delivered (yay!) but found a couple “issues” and I want to confirm they are actually issues before opening a ticket (I’d rather not).

  1. what are these? There are like 7 hexagons dispersed on the chassis under the ot

  2. I can hear some coil whine coming around the screen area, it gets higher in pitch the lower the brightness of the screen (I can barely hear it at max brightness, it’s a bit more prominent and high pitched at low).

Thanks everyone!

The hexagons are where inside the case there are screw points to secure the PCB … the noise I’m not familiar with I’m afraid


the noise is definitely more prominent when I’m in sample edit mode, for example. Here’s a video, should be possible to hear it

And also just the audio, maybe it’s more clear here, around 8 seconds mark

I don’t hear a thing.

I’m only hearing my tinnitus. Maybe it’s the same with OP? :thinking:

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That OT sampled your tinnitus from the future! Holy!

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well. ur not crazy because i can also hear screens, and its pretty common.
i dont think its something that manufacturers can control because they dont make the parts, so even if you do open a ticket or exchange it for a different one, you might just get the same thing, worse if unlucky. However from video examples i also cant really hear anything. Id say, if you cant hear it while your head is at working distance away from the device, its better to not bother with it. Especially since you will be wearing headphones or listening to speakers when its on.

Also you can check your psu, and overall power in the house. Try a different socket, or run it from a powerbank+pd adapter. It might be just caused by something outside of the device.

I’d check with another OT MKII if it makes the same whine.

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Well. I live in an hexagone called France. Wine may happen. :wink:


Hexagons… yep. Thats been covered.
As for the whine, I cant hear it. But I do know what you’re talking about, i can hear the transformer of my quadraverb if I get my head in the right spot. However, being that I shoved that unsightly brick under some shelves out of the way, I never hear it anymore.

Not helpful for OLED screen whine.

OT mk1 doesnt do that… LCD wins…

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I don’t think hexes and wine

mix very well