Help with first modular skiff

I have finally decided to give a go at modular.

I have a reasonable studio at home with various synths (Hydrasynth, Deepmind 12, AS-1, Streichfett, Microfreak, DFAM, Subharmonicon) as well as various tools to sequence (Digitakt, NDLR) and a bunch of FX/Processors (Doctor A, GFI Specular, Analog Drive, FMR RNC).

I have a fairly good understanding of MIDI routing and synths but my knowledge regarding modular is basically at level 0…

I have started to mess around with CV, Gates and Clock through the use of a MIDI to CV converter (Kenton Pro Solo Mk2) going from Digitakt to DFAM. Tanks @microtribe for the help. This is mainly the reason why I am looking at modular: immediate hands on and access. Limited options with an array of modulations. Possibility to evolve in the future.

What I have in mind is a small techno skiff based on an Intellijel palette 62HP. Nothing to do with the rest of my other machines.

I have started to sketch something on Modular Grid:

I would like to start with the following concept:
=> 1 solid voice (Ataraxis Iteritas or Manis Iteritas or Intellijel Dixie II?)
=> filter (Intellijel Polaris?)
=> effect (Imitor Versio for stereo distortion. This one is attracting as being able to flash it)
=> utilities:

  1. Clep Diaz / Pons Asinorum for LFOs and Envelopes
  2. Mimetic Digitalis for Multi Channel CV Sequencer
  3. Lapsus Os for Attenuverter
  4. Scales is also attracting for a bit of variation on chords
  5. Pamela’s New Workout for Euclidean

What I am looking at are various modules but I don’t have a clue where to start.

Digitakt would serve me as main clock and sequencer for drums and I would also like to integrate DFAM (is it possible to route the VCA of DFAM to the modular through a sort of mixer?).

Effects outside the skiff I would use are Doctor A (Rev/Delay) and GFI Specular.

I am mainly looking at techno in the range of 120/140 bpm (Minimal as well as hypnotic) based around drums and percussions (Digitakt and DFAM) as well as a solid voice.

What is your advice?

Thanks in advance for any support or help, that would be much appreciated.


An important thing to consider is how you want your workflow to go in the modular case.

Do you want things to be relatively knob per function, or do you not mind a few menus if it means you can pack more power/versatility into a small case?

Have you considered a one of the many available filter/distortion modules (seriously, there’s loads)? Might free up a bit of space for more modulation/utilities.


I would opt for that though Pamela is more of a menu thing. I would rather indeed have knob per function.
I would like to start small though.

Which one do you have in mind and what would it “replace” in my sketched up project?
Doesn’t the Polaris do that?

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Yeah, the Polaris drives pretty nice, but there’s some really out there stuff about, maybe have a look at:

Supercritical Neutron Flux
Schlapi 100 grit
British Noise Electronics Grit


Mutable instruments probably top my module list… Marbles and Stages are fantastic modules. You can get clones with smaller HP even… for marbles the the 10hp Cara clone… Stages is already a decent size at 14hp


Noted :+1:

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The way I approach modular is to have atleast a 50/50 split between audio modules and CV preferably 65/35 in favor of CV.

Modular shines in the modulation department just having a rack filled with audio modules feels really pointless to me…


Hence the list I made :slight_smile:

  1. Clep Diaz / Pons Asinorum for LFOs and Envelopes
  2. Mimetic Digitalis for Multi Channel CV Sequencer
  3. Lapsus Os for Attenuverter
  4. Scales is also attracting for a bit of variation on chords
  5. Pamela’s New Workout for Euclidean

Overall one sound module to start with but a solid voice.

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Personally I think tiny cases like this are a little pointless. I go for bigger modules that do one or two things well, and let the complexity come from the way I patch them.


I see your point… To the poor extent of my modular knowledge :joy:
I would rather start small though and limit the options in terms of size and number of modules.

Nothing wrong with a little 4u 62 hp case, as long as you’re thoughtful about what goes in there.

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Am I?

Looks that way.


Yea, big case or skiff and a few modules to start. Cardboard to cover up the empty spaces (and write or stick notes on).


Any redundant modules in my sketch?

I think it looks good, you’ll have to find your way by doing and learn from that.


Appreciate the feedback @Fin25 @MichaalHell @digable-me @TonyDS
I am absolutely like a new born to all this :slight_smile:

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Only trial and error will tell you that, I’m afraid.


I am aware of this

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If you’re happy using the digitakt for sequencing, and you can patch between the modular and the DFAM, then perhaps get a better featured midi-CV converter (such an CV-OCD), a small case, and an interesting digital sound source. You can use the Digitakt and DFAM to sequence, and use the envelopes and LFO on the DFAM (I’m assuming it has these, I’m not familiar with it) to control the sound source. As you use this system, you’ll figure out bit by bit what you want to add.

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