Help setting up MIDI Digitone + Modal 8

I guess it depends on how much of a “player” you are or if you mainly just use the keyboard for note input. Some people like to “play” a synth as a whole instrument, with keys and knobs in the same place. If that doesn’t bother you, get the module.

Just one note of caution though, there are a few less controls on the module, making it a tiny bit fiddler to program, but it isn’t a big thing.

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I am a bit limited space wise and I am mostly a guitar player, but that said I do really like how the cobalt looks, only would save 100 dollars by switching so may just hold onto it.

And the Keybed feels very nice, at least, for me.

Man this decision has me torn lol. space-wise it would make more sense for me to keep the cobalt and get another regular DN as the cobalt isn’t huge and the digitone is tiny, leaves me plenty of room still on my table. That said, the MIDI issues spoken of above make me think I will just be better off with a keys and a module-cobalt. I’m thinking I will be better off with the latter as a setup, DN keys will give me better control over VST synths too. Only thing is I don’t want to get one used, as I’ve had a new one before and the keys went out on me twice, so I want to make sure I have a warranty etc.

Trying to basically pull off a set up a DN keys, Cobalt8, (eventually thinking about a digitakt,) and still want to have enough money to grab a JHS Colour Box (as I don’t want to bother with amps for guitars in my apartment). I could always use the app for the modal as well if I want easier access to knobs.

OK I think I’ve made a decision, I didn’t realize that Elektron warranties are transferrable so that makes it possible for me to probably grab a more affordable digitone keys, found one on a synth trade group on facebook for 800

Reviving this thread from the grave but if you see this maybe you’ll be able to give me some directions since I haven’t find much feedback about coupling the digitone and the cobalt8m.

I’m thinking about getting one cobalt 8 to séquence by the digitone keys.

Overall the cobalt8 seem really warmer than the Digitone, even though I love what it can do on terms of pads and leads, so did you realise that couple ? Was it worthy ? By that I mean does those two machines complement each other well ?

Or surely I’m just experiencing GAS…
Have a nice day :slight_smile: