(Help request) Recording trig won’t stop?

Hey everyone! I hope this is the alright place to ask this. These forums have been super helpful! I’ve had my octatrack for a few weeks now and I love it! The transition from my MPC1000 has been a lot of fun and not much frustration at all. This is the only problem I’ve encountered and i can’t figure it out for the life of me.

When I want to record the audio of a synthesizer I’m sequencing, I just hit FUNC+REC1 to go into the recording setup menu, then I hit FUNC+TRIG To set a recording trig that should only play once, I select my inputs, then bam! Recording time.

Now here’s where the problems I’m encountering comes in, after recording the loop, and clearing the recording trig. I will play the sequence, BUT The octatrack is still recording to the audio buffer. When I check the recording setup menu, the moving triangle that shows you the active recording length is still moving but much faster then normal, and lower then where it normally displays, almost like I activated another recording trig by accident and haven’t cleared it. Attached at the bottom is a picture of what I’m describing.

Picture Octatrack recording trig issue - Album on Imgur

Is there anything I’m doing wrong that’s causing this? Any advice would be appreciated, I’ll be re checking the manual in the meanwhile. Thanks guys and I hope y’all have a good day!

your RLEN is set to max, so it records until the recording buffer is full. just enter the amount of steps you want to record in RLEN and you should be good to go stop.


Thanks for the fast response mate! I really appreciate It. I knew it was something on my end. Hope you have a good one!

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What if I want to record more than 64 steps? I thought I could use “trig: ONE2” but I can’t stop it, it keeps recording?

The sampling process can be stopped prema-turely by pressing [TRACK] + [REC1/2/3].

Edit: got it working, no idea how or what I did, so that’s even worse lmao