Help me approximate this patch

I get most of the basics in subtractive synthesis, but I’m not in my element! not great at guessing what’s going on in a patch when I hear it. This sound is nice and seems very primitive but even so:

Where would I start if approximating this on a Blofeld? I know I probably won’t get the character/flaws but if it sounded like a Blofeld trying to do this patch I’d be fine with that.


Sounds like:

  • a 2-vco sound, starting in unison (just slightly detuned)
  • some slight portamento/glide
  • an LFO tied to filter cutoff
  • an ENV tied to cutoff as well, with the cutoff set rather high, but dipping every now and then (sounds like the LFO is actually doing most of the cutoff modulation)
  • resonance is high
  • in the 2-vco sound, one vco’s pitch is modulated, possibly by the mod-wheel, which accounts for its wackiness

…I think that’s it!


Amazing! Thanks - look forward to trying it