...have we lost our focus as a....?

unfortunately I don’t think the premise was about what kind of substance is going on, I think he let people talking sht about him fck with his head and felt the need to prove to them that he has been making a living from making music long before the advent of the get free gear hocking youtuber… I say unfortunate because personally the first rule of anything is who cares what people think in my opinion so it actually hurts me a little bit to even see someone else give a f*ck about someone else’s opinion, I can’t imagine having to get up everyday and going through that…

I remember back in the day when he went through a little bit of angst over people questioning his sexuality, guess some folks thought he wore too many unisex outfits… I think he needs to stop caring altogether lol, you’d have to pay me 20,000 to pretend I care, the dude is obviously not an A-hole at least not in my limited ‘I don’t even know dude opinion’ so really what else can anyone expect from the dude?
I tell my nephews and nieces that the whole concept of what other people think about them is a moot point

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Kinda my point.

My guy has to go through all this shit just to have an income from his talents, whereas a generation ago, just making a couple of albums and going on a few tours would have been enough.

However positively he wants to present it, I can’t help but see it as a bad thing overall.

Nothing personally against the guy, and people giving him shit for his sexuality need to boil themselves, fuck that shit.


yeah, it’s like one of the first things he said is something like I made this video cause I heard people making comments etc…

I hope all of these guys don’t get in their feelings and stop making videos, I love new gear overviews :slight_smile:

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Wow there, slow down – calling this guy an “artist” is kind of stretch :crazy_face:

Saying someone isn’t an artist based off of your personal opinion of what art is or isn’t seems like an ego driven attack.

Unless I’m mistaken and that was meant as helpful criticism to improve his artistry.


good message, sad it had to come from frustration


There is no right either. Everyone is fundamentally wrong. That’s the solution.


just felt the urge to juggle your words around

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is losing focus in 2022 still worth it


I thought the silly emoji would’ve suggested a bit of a jokey nature, mostly around nitpicky semantics about Fin’s post, purposefully missing his point largely – but I guess you’re right, at its core my joke was still an ego driven attack.

Good for calling it out :muscle:

Back in art school, there was the idea that social media platforms can serve as digital galleries for folks to visit and engage with your creations.

Ylva’s output wouldn’t necessarily hit the same if there were ‘top 5 tricks Elektron doesn’t want you to know’ type videos snuck in there too. It’s a weird vibe when I discover an artist elsewhere and follow the link to their YouTube, only to discover a wall of clickbaity content. Respect for managing both, I suppose.

I try to avoid the YT channels that jump from ‘hot new gear tutorial!’ to ‘making album in 24 hours!’ or ‘check out this patch from my new preset pack!’

That being said, Jorb Audio Plz, Ezbot, (Loopop too I guess) I like these channels because there’s intent behind the content. Jorb’s focus on mostly synthy things, Ez with Elektron, and even with different gear each video Plz & loopop usually stick to their formula. I guess we’ll see what happens as some of the smaller channels get bigger. How far are we willing to change to suit the systems we inhabit & all that.

But me, my focus as a creative is long gone. Too much :deciduous_tree: after work these days. mayhaps next year I should participate in NWNY along with NGNY…

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The title of Andrew Huang’s video is clickbaity but the video itself is good imo – he goes into a lot of detail about the various ways a musician can actually make a living & I found it informative. The massive negativity aimed in his direction in this forum is wildly out of proportion (“Corporate Cock”, really?? – people here are such assholes. I guess it’s better for musicians to be poor than to have the AUDACITY to make a living)

He is literally an artist by every single definition of the word. He makes money through released music on streaming platforms & bandcamp. He earns his living entirely through music. What about that is not artistic? I usually hold my tongue about how toxic and bitter Elektronauts is, but jesus christ it gets hard to take sometimes.


Well done for completely misunderstanding my point. I’m not really having a go at Huang. Like I’ve said before, he’s doing what he’s doing, it’s not for me but good luck to him.

No-one is saying that. My point was that there was a time when you could just be an artist and do alright, that you wouldn’t have to grind out endless content and build corporate portfolios to keep the money coming in. Huang and others’ videos kinda make me a bit depressed, not because of their content, but because they are emblematic of how corporate interests have hoovered up so much of the wealth that artists have to play this fucking game, as opposed to just being artists.


Wow. Have you visited many other forums? Because this must be pretty close to the friendliest, most polite one I’ve ever seen. One guy uses a slightly harsh term in the communication of something quite wise and the next guy cracks a little joke and boom, you’ve had it?


When was that?

The 70’s?

Not saying the past was some egalitarian Nirvana where everyone got their due, but the corporatization of artistic output seems to be getting worse and worse, which is what makes me sad. I feel like the number of people creating content on YouTube and building corporate portfolios would be somewhat smaller if the ones releasing music and touring were getting paid a fairer lump for releasing music and touring.

As a smarter man than me once said; I could be wrong, I could be right.

I think that “back in the day” listening to music was a hobby in and of itself. Now it is just something to be consumed while you do something else.

That coupled with the fact that there is just so much music to consume these days, it has become massively devalued.

I feel the same about tv. Think about how much goes into making a tv series, only for it to be buried amongst dozens of others in a streaming service.

To quote Bo Burnham, “a little bit of everything, all of the time” just isn’t good for us…


I think you’re both right and wrong.

There was never a time before where an artist had so much easy access to tools to do things completely on their own without a label, agency etc. And make some money out of it. Of course this also means that more corporations jump onto this train to get in on it.

And I don’t think there was ever a time where small artists were paid fairly really. Always has been the case that you either play free or they have 20 other people in line for the spot. Or you have to negotiate about 25 euro more or less on a fee of 150 while they book a few big artists as well that probably get paid many thousands.

It’s a shit job really. :laughing:


Forgetting the past for a minute. In your capacity as both a recording/touring musician and YouTuber/educator, would you do all the YouTube/soundpacks/education stuff if you could live comfortably off the recording and playing live income?

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