...have we lost our focus as a....?

Or he just had to put up yet another video to adhere to the rigid Google partner contract.

Here’s the thing that way too many people don’t get:
Doing $thing for a couple of days gives you more insight on it than watching thousands of videos about $thing.

I had no idea that they are on contract with google, if that’s real, wtf? how’s that’s promoting anything valuable?
I thought it’s gonna be some memelord doing parody things but instead got a weirdly grumpy dude doing childish faces when pronouncing “music production” and “other content creators” ending with “buy me a cup of coffee”…

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Sure! Here are a few smaller channels I’ve followed. I don’t always listen/watch but I’m always happy when I do. I started going alphabetically and kinda gave up, you get the idea. I also didn’t include people who haven’t posted in years. I didn’t realize a bunch of them have been inactive for like 3+ years when I made my comment. There’s everything from techno to ambient to idm here.

Agrekulture (he’s local to me, and damn good at what he does)

Blake Walt


Domestic Scene (his album Imperfectionist is really good)



John Madere

Resyn Echo

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Google hasn’t been promoting anything of value for decades.

Cynicism aside: I’ve sat in front of a Google partner contract once. It was a ridiculously large stack of paper full of lawyertext in a very small font. People who want to make money with YouTube have to sign that.

Thanks, I’m two minutes into the first video and yes, this is what I’ve been looking for and not finding on YT.

And since I’m NON-MONETIZED (lol) maybe it’s not out of place to recommend my own channel, all synth playing, no talking, no selling?



Hell yeah, this is great stuff!

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…ooook…we have’nt lost our focus, since we never had one…i see, err, hear…

i thought, this might lead to people stating here, what their intension was, once they started their sonic safari and where it’s at for them by now…

finding some common ground, that any sort of TEAMing up is always the better way to get shit done…

instead, u all stick to same old patterns like who’s to blame for what and what not…hmmmpf.
but hey, mayybee a nice example, why o why any kind of focus is sooo famously underrated…

i might also start a yt channel, some day…how to feed the machine…

I think it’s more that most people here just don’t think this guy has anything interesting, novel, or insightful to say here, and his delivery certainly isn’t helping.

I agree with you, there’s no community of musicians, and we have to have that to feed the garden. The history is getting lost, and eventually even the present will go along with it.

@m0ld points to some real grassroots, which I knew were out there because I’m one too. But how do we gather that all up and feed it in the social media world? Everybody a cell in the Matrix ain’t working.

I like the rabbit hole i got sucked into and i am still making music. To whom is he referring to with “we”. Making music sucks. Even birds do that! But seriously , i like technology and 5 different eq’s. Don’t make youtube vids if your time is so precious as a musician😁.
This vid made me loose focus, glad to be back. I want to take his perspective a level deeper; its about fun and exploring.

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i listened and i think i know what this persons on about, but i can’t know for certain since they are not specific. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume they are expressing a genuine frustration or noticing a real problem. i might not spend as much time on YouTube and/or get the same suggestions promoted towards me. I can imagine it’s frustrating to be inundated by context like what they are describing, but i don’t really know since i don’t use YouTube for that. :man_shrugging:

they remind me of that bill hicks joke about going for the anti-consumerist $. they are looking to the be the YouTube synthfluencer for the crowd who are anti-synthfluencers.

the market demands content & everybody’s gotta eat, so i can’t knock something fairly innocuous like “5 Best reverb plug-ins” videos.

with that said, i think this person is correct about focusing on making good music if that’s your focus! If you want to produce and make music, you gotta work on both skill sets. They are correct though, you don’t need to do it all.

I had a laugh when they said ‘the production skills will come.’ The old field of dreams school of music production, eh? good post and good discussion here.

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Apparently we have. An ellipsis used to only have 3 dots and this one in the thread title has 4.


I love this forum, I get all my ideas for my next bands name here…

King Ellipsis


I don’t really understand, there are all kinds of people in the world so if whatever it is that you do isn’t working there is no need to invent new people to make it work, you just need to acquire the skills to market whatever you do or whomever you are to ‘YOUR AUDIENCE’…

There are many other people out there who like to listen to what you like to listen to, like to make the kind of music you like to make, like to use the kind of instruments you like to use etc…
I don’t believe there is too much music out there that is in ‘YOUR way’, the premise that all of the music out there was made for your consumption is a false premise if there ever was one so if you’re experiencing too much of something that wasn’t made for your consumption then in my opinion you need to turn yourself into a better search engine, become better at making contact with the people who like what you like, same goes for videos, so called influencers and anything else really. Throwing what you do at any old wall and just hoping something sticks is what alot of people do, people want to be discovered by accident for some reason but with todays technology it’s possible to throw whatever it is that you do at the right wall that people that like what you like are looking at, but most people complaining are not doing this in my experience.

the only thing I got from the clip is that he prefers reference manuals to videos, there’s nothing wrong with that, but all of the people he’s talking about having insight into I’m not sure how he’s coming by that insight, is this what everyone he meets is telling him?, is it just a guess or something he’s deduced and if so from where/what? Everyone has an opinion and everyone’s opinion is always valid for themselves but if he’s as focused as he eludes to being I’m not sure how he even had the time to curate the number of outside opinions it would take to make this video.
I think if he has ever met one person that has come to him saying the things he said in the video and giving that as reasoning for not being able to make music that he should have had that person in the video and interviewed them and that the video might have been more productive imho.

Wait…you have filled in the title’s blank. I’ve got to know! Have we lost our focus as a what! A Horse? No, that can’t be it! Society? Is that it? Oh God the anticipation is killing me!


Just wanted to finish the thread title.



Puffer fish.

I sometimes have to use two just to fit a quote into in a Twitter post. Shocking, I know.

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I even thought I was reading a haiku while glancing this thread and my eyes caught on @psychetropic post, like this:



I’m a poet
But I don’t know it

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