Has vinyl become a luxury good?

Everyone likes a crafty maccie Ds :laughing:

I suppose it depends on what you are doing, if you need it for something related to work or a hobby, or some task where another alternative is not really viable then Iā€™d think that a bit more justifiable than using it for time wasting.

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Because, the choices you make donā€™t actually really affect anything. Just the act itself makes you feel better, whether it actually helps to address the problem or not. Our society is full of these fake solutions, from biodiesel to ā€œcarbon neutralā€ holiday flights.

Thatā€™s an issue with the effectiveness of the lifestyle modification, not the motivation behind doing it.

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So true. Also ā€œmeat freeā€ if you look into it.

They call it consumer data. All you can eat in a month. Think there used to be a cap on how much you can download. Now im not sure. Maybe the Internet companies should crack down on abusers like bit coin etc. Im not sure.

So, the motivation is to soothe your guilty conscience, not to address the real problems. Itā€™s nice that you can say it out loud, most people canā€™t because the guilt comes back twinfold when theyā€™re faced with how little their ā€œgreenā€ lifestyle actually impacts anything.

Yeah, as an on and off veggie and someone who avoids too much meat, a lot of the ā€œmeat freeā€ solutions are despicable.

You donā€™t need meat substitutes to enjoy a low meat or meat free diet.

Even small changes are important

In saying that we are all typing online using products made in Chinese factories and use music tech made there and they are the biggest hit on our environment with co2 emissions.

So I find it a bit hypocritical to give of to someone while I use technology every day that comes from these factories plus clothes, food etc.

I think if you want to make proper change look at what makes the biggest impact and work your way down the list.

I fully admit my environmental concious choices are pretty small but at least itā€™s something

indeed a lot of things to considerā€¦

Making Music Sustainable. How To Solve The Vinyl Industryā€™sā€¦ | by Barbie Bertisch | Novation // Notes | Medium

Are Vinyl Records Sustainable? - ethical.net


Yes, this is the new definition of Original sin (for 21st rational man)

I miss paper cover art, not the plastic or vinyl media. But that is not planet friendly either.

Except when theyā€™re not important at all. Thatā€™s such an empty slogan, small changes are only important when they lead to big changes. Most small changes lead to no change at all.

I still donā€™t get this.
Arenā€™t all decisions motivated by something?
Guilt is just an emotion like any other. As far as Iā€™m concerned, new information comes to your attention, you feel bad about the impact you may be making, you make a change.
That seems like responsible existence to me.
Whether people really understand the difference their changes make, and the way it is sold to them, is another matter entirely.

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Please dont mention guilt. I was bought up a strict catholic.

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Iā€™m not talking of your motivations, Iā€™m talking of your goals. If your goal is simply to soothe your guilty conscience, you obviously donā€™t care whether you actually address any real problem, you simply want to feel better. There are whole industries to soothe our consciences, precisely because actual change is expensive, stressful and unpredictable. Itā€™s much easier to just make a symbolic act ā€œfor the enviromentā€ and feel good about it. Maybe buy something? A water bottle where 1% of the cost goes towards saving the whales?

not so. if you look the planet as rocks, magma, and plant and animal life as a whole, than the planet will not going to be ok. But we can also argue that distraction is the part of creation . I donā€™t like distraction. only when I eat. Then i call it transformation.

Itā€™s always been a luxury good for me. Too expensive where I lived as a youngster, much more so than cassettes, not counting good needles, etc. I heard jazz for the first time when my guitar teacher played me Take Five. What a great, transparent sound! What great, complex music! Fell in love with the sound completely. Wonā€™t be good for me, alas, with my sweaty hands dusty city. So when CDs came to my country, I opted for that. Never fell in love with the CD sound as much as that first vinyl hearingā€¦ :pensive:

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Small changes can be important if enough people do them, but even if they donā€™t a small change is still a small change, with other benefits beside global ones.

A simple example might be to eat a little less, you will lose weight, be healthier, feel better, it might take a little while, but is mostly true for most people, it could rub off on others that know you etc.

But yeah, it can be difficult to stick to things, avoid external influence and so on, but if you donā€™t try then you donā€™t know.

I often think we can look to others to be the saviour, or set the example, or take the blame, we tend to look at things this way, but truth be told everyone has it in themselves to do a bit better if they want to, but it involves a bit of sacrifice and compromise, and a realistic attitude as well.

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Sure, thereā€™s plenty of hypocrisy and lies and people want to cash in on the fashion of being ā€œeco-friendlyā€. But just choose things that have a real impact on the environment, not things that are meant to make you feel better about yourself. Veganism instead of grass-fed meat, cycling instead of electric cars, vacations in the countryside instead of at the other end of the globe, etc.

By the way, going vegan is the best thing a person can do to reduce their impact on the environment (itā€™s been proven).

@mess5 maybe it sounded cynical what I wrote, but that doesnā€™t mean we should do nothing. In fact, we should do as much as possible.


Fair enough. I guess this is getting a bit too existential for this thread, but I generally believe that true altruism doesnā€™t exist. We do everything for selfish reasons. Every decision we make is to make ourselves feel better. We ultimately do what we perceive to be good things because it makes ourselves feel better.
You may live the most objectively virtuous life, even enduring terrible suffering in the process, but ultimately you do it because it flicks the right switches in your brain.

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