Gotharman's Little Deformer 2

Been having lots of fun with this thing:

Untitled by [url=“”]sonofprent, on Flickr

Crazy little box of glitch! Demos and brief explanations:

#1: More of a little track really. Deformer as an effects processor to bug modular and airbase drums… doing the glitchy background stuff.

#2: Bugbrand modular into deformer, doing similar to what it was doing above but a bit easier to pick out.

#3: Airbase and machinedrum into deformer, tweaked. It freaks itself out at the end!

#4:Arcade gamey percussion stuff, after 1:12. MNM doing the SID thing along with it…started life as a track but failed!

A fun thing indeed!

Wondering if anyone else on here has any experience with the Deformer 2?
tiB was good enough to give me a demo a few weeks back, crazy little box!!!
Might have gas!

Haha just re found this thread. Finally picked one up. Without a doubt the craziest most untalked about box ever, loving it!!! Mnm meets MD’s ram machines with nuts fx, modular matrix & step probability. Button combo saves everything to current pattern preset. Including sampling what’s in the buffer at the time & that could be incoming audio, genius :slight_smile:

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I just rediscovered this device on my search for a good hardware granular sampler. How was your experience with it? Do you still have yours?

Absolutely love it! Integration with modular is a god send. It has similarities with the Elektrons in some areas & is quite different in others. Sequencer is simpler on the surface but has loads of aux control. You can Start/Stop/Reset via CV as well as firing off samples. Obviously has midi implementation too. Mod matrix & LFO’s are really powerful & for glitch & utter destruction theres nothing quite like it!
It’s very definitely boutique & quirky :slight_smile:

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Word up! One year later and still having that enthusiasm is definitely a good sign! I presume the effects are pretty in depth?

I’ll have to watch a few videos on it!

Right now my list is:
Analog Heat
Analog RYTM
And then the Little deFormer or Deepmind Module

I suppose I’ll buy whatever pops up used first :smiley:
Thanks for the info!


I’ve been thinking about deformer again recently too. Looks great. Don’t think I can get the funds together this year tho so been looking around and started paying more attention to microgranny than I did in past. Price is right :wink: Dunno if it’s on your radar but might scratch your granular itch?

Eh, used to have one. It was fun, but didn’t really gel with me. I think I’m just going to stick with my iPhone/iPad apps for now. The Grain Science and iDensity apps are absolute top notch! So I might finally try a means of recording my iPad in with my Elektrons while putting pieces together. Maybe get a midi I rig and see about sequencing.

Finally give me a chance to get down with the Ableton link

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Haha, didn’t realise you’d had one :wink: Yeah ipad is killer for that kind of stuff. You might have just saved me some money - prob gonna grab an mpc live at some point so ipad should team up pretty great :slight_smile:

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Yeah. I get the notion that the MPC Live is the best way to pull and incorporate iPad audio into hardware land.

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