Goodbye Elektron & A New Chapter

I remember at the BPM trade show in Birmingham NEC maybe 8 or 9 years ago, and I saw the Elektron stand and these strange looking instruments, Monomachine, machine drum and octatrack and the stand was very quiet I was the only one there , and you came over to me to explain the products, I didn’t know who you were then or anything really about Elektron, but have really enjoyed watching your demo’s over the years, anyway good luck cenk for the future, top man !!


Thanks for all of your inspiration and energy Cenk, wishing you the very best of luck for your next venture/s! :innocent: :smiley:

Excited to see what’s next for you, Cenk. Your contributions to Elektron and Elektronauts community will never be forgotten. Bon Voyage!

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The Forum formerly known as Elektronauts


Seriously, while I’m impressed with Elektron boxes and now own three of them, that’s not all I have, and I’m old enough to not put too much emotional weight on any commercial entity. But if Elektronauts is threatened…!

I do worry that marketing types could glance at this forum and think, “We could sell these chumps anything”, misreading the enthusiasm. I think the reality is that, while there is a lot of GAS for things that don’t actually exist yet, there is also a lot of good critical acumen on a wide range of products, services, and approaches. But that may not be apparent from a superficial glance.

Cenk, if you’re reading this, I’ve really enjoyed your videos and live performances, which are both entertaining and educational (a hard mix to achieve!) and I look forward to what you do in the future.


Yes, Model Cycle and Sample are not really market breaking products and for me a wrong product direction.


I think you’re ignoring how revolutionary those sticker sheets are


I’ve never even peeled one sticker off that sheet.

I should frame it.

It was my first Elektron box. I didn’t understand. I left the sticker sheet alone but I recycled the plastic bag that the Model:Cycles came in and now I can never sell it.

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Are you all ready for the Octatrack MK3, NOW IN PINK!! with sticker sheets and a T-shirt INCLUDED?


…what a great comeback line, after six years…new chapters all over the place, hey…


Those two products are the gateway to dispelling the “Elektron workflow = hard/esoteric” myth that you find all over the internet. While I can understand that they’re not the new flagship product that existing/advanced users were hoping for, it’s short sighted to ignore the value they bring in courting new customers to the brand.


I have used an OT, DT and DN and I love those machines. I visited a friend last weekend and he had a model:samples and I gotta say I loved it also. Only thing that I found to be lacking is, sure it’s very hands on, but I prefer the encoders on the more expensive products.

So are folks saying Cenk was having nightmares about model:x’s, woke up screaming"WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?" and is currently on a vision quest to redisover the true spirit of Elektron, meanwhile back at HQ there is a brainstorm on a whiteboard that reads:


A board room full of large bellies rub their hands together and laugh maniacally.




Great exit, keeping it classy sharing the bright and moving in with integrity memories and translating that fullness to us all.


Just found this thread…seriously bummed.
Thanks so much for everything, Cenk and all the best for the future


Two years ago now in Frankfurt, Germany Cenk was kind enough to answer many little fanboi questions of mine at a promo visit with Session Music. He admitted that the then new Model:Samples was not really for him and that OT and DT were his thing. He hinted that some new product was coming up “much bigger than any of this” while making an encompassing gesture across the OT, DT, Rytm, M:S, Heat and all the boxes they had assembled for demo purposes that day. IIRC the next thing to come out after that was the Digitone Keyboard. I never stopped wondering what he had actually been referring to that day…


Hopefully not something that had been scraped after a lot of employee’s soul efforts had been poured into it over last few years… But for sure they have to have something new coming out at some point!

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you will definitely be missing, no one has ever washed my head as much as you when it comes to being curious about a product. nevertheless i wish you continued success !!

Do they? They just reissued a 10 year old unit in black and You tube eclipsed!