Global FX/mix doesn't seem to work OS 4.10B and Overbridge

I have all the boxes checked in the Global FX/Mix settings that I want to be global .
but when I change between pattern A01 and pattern A02 the Delay sends are not the same.

I’m not sure what I am doing wrong or missing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can’t you copy and paste the FX settings from pattern to pattern? This can be done on the Syntakt.

The send levels on the AMP page are part of the patch and cannot be global.
The settings on the Delay, Reverb and Chorus pages can be Global and will remain constant when the pattern changes if set to Global.

Ah ok I didn’t realise that.

I was hoping there’d be a way to have different patterns play but have the fx not jump.

So for instance if I start pattern on with the cut of filter closed and slowly open it up gor a few pattern cycles. Then change the pattern but the cut of filter would stay where it was before I switched the pattern.

I assumed this was the idea behind Global FX

yes but I wanted to dynamically change send levels or other parameters , whilst changing patterns

Yes, it’s just the FX settings, mixer levels and master overdrive that can be global unfortunately.
It would be nice to have the option for other parameters like the filters but not possible at the moment I’m afraid.

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That’s what the FX settings do. Except for the send levels, which is part of the sound, which is part of the pattern or can be p-locked to a trig.