Get ready…

New entry level boxes with new ideas implemented, could lead to new OS for the flagship boxes ! :yum:

It will be a digimodel, a beauty of a machine, what else!

Hopefully not this

If that is true I’m going to freak out and sh1t and p1ss myself rolling around on the floor. That’s been my dream device for such a long long time.

(J/k I won’t sh1t myself) :rofl::joy::rofl:


Soo. I’m thinking that each teaser shows the machines available on the device… but since they started on the 21st and will make the reveal on the 26th that means the device will have 6 machines?
So that fits the model:samples pedigree which sports 6 tracks.

I think it will become more clear with each tease, but maybe they have simplified the machines and made as an example a kick machine, percussion machine. Etc. which seems to be what the teases are showing. Today’s tease for instance was very kick oriented. And I’m thinking that each machine will be locked to each track (I truly hope not) as a way to conform to the model:xx design guidelines, simplify and nerf.


It’s gonna be called MutantMachine and will automatically generate sequences based on your DNA samples

So you know what I mean :wink:

One of the aspects of this new Elektron device that I am most curious about is whether or not it will have Class Compliant audio, like the Analog Heat & Model:Samples.

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Ok, long post but here’s my thought son some of the speculation:

So everyone firth thought was that this was in some way related to the MD / MnM, and we probably all hope that this is true.

I think it would make a lot of sense to somehow reboot 2 of their most iconic machines. People are still trying to get hold of these original boxes almost 20 years after they were released and 5 years after they were discontinues. Elektron are no longer making money from these designs, even though they are still selling second hand for close to their original RRP, so it feels kinda drumbeat to no longer sell something that fits with this lineage.

I’m also guessing that digital machines like these would be pretty cost effective to produce today. They would require too much memory, so once the program Ings done it’s just the cost of the box and manufacturing. The synth engines could just be rewritten from the originals as every still loves their sound.

They’re finally at a point with technology to add some huge updates to the originals (USB midi anyone?). OB is hopefully nearly there, or at least my beta seems to work pretty much flawless 99% of the time.

I’m hoping that they release an update of both, but i think the MD is more likely to be first if they do this. Drum machines seem to sell more, and hold their value much better. The DT was their best selling product. Also I feel that drum machines work better with the elektron work flow and sequencer.

We already have 3 samplers (OT, DT and M:S), and 2 synths (A4 and DN), but only one drum synth in the line, and it’s a top tier box, and analog. A lot of people are still craving the digital 12bit sound of the MD (although I don’t think it would be 12 bit).


I don’t think they’re go to the trouble of making animations like this for something like updates. This looks like promo for new machines. The last couple of times they did something like this it was for the Model:Samples and DN Keys.

Also, no show at NAMM makes me think that it because their new product wasn’t ready in time.

The way they seem to talk about the OT is that it’s pretty much what they want it to be. Not major updates for MKII and no intention of OB.

I don’t think the DT would have the memory to add a whole other purpose to it. Plus i can’t figure out how they’re make it work with the current button layout on the hardware. I don’t think they’d sell an expansion that needed to be retro fitted as that significantly limits their market to people that know what they’re doing with a screwdriver. Also, why add drum synthesis to an already popular sampler when you could make a separate product and people would happily buy both.

MD / MnM hybrid:

This would be amazing but again, why make one product when you could easily sell two?

Elektron are great at making super deep single purpose machines that wipe the floor with the jack-of-all-trades, Everything-in-one-box devices.


If elektron were to do this, I don’t think it would be anything like traditional modular. Cables sticking out of the front of something just doesn’t fit with their design aesthetic. If they did this then everything would be routable inside the box, as it has been since the MD, maybe with CV out but I think that’s as far as they’d go.

I could be completely wrong and it could be the exact opposite… basically I just wasted 10 minutes of my life.


Not convinced by your argument. It seems that Model:Samples sells considerably less than the Digitakt (look at Thomann sales rank). The units that are generally best regarded and best sellers are the Digitakt and Digitone. Continuing in this range would be most likely IMO.


…in the first video that they posted the “creature” is shaped kinda like a J. In the second it looks like a K. So maybe this is all just one big joke.


I hope it’s a toaster!

Thomann represents a very small percentage of the public.


At least on Thomann UK, the m:s is the third ranked drum machine, to the DT’ 2nd and AR’s 4th. For a 1 year old product competing with others who’ve had longer to build a name, it seems to be doing fine :man_shrugging:t2:

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It was really just a broad-brush statement about cost vs risk vs reward. It may be the case that the Digi range is the sweet spot for them in terms of cost of production vs sales, and if that’s true then great and I hope they’ve found a successful path to go down. All I was trying to say is that a product that’s cheap to produce can be less of a risk. I can’t argue with those sales figures you mentioned so perhaps the cheaper M:S was a test for them that didn’t work. None of us know for certain, but I’m sure we can all agree that smart people in the business will have done their homework in deciding what to do next.


Best to look at the overall sales rank. Also, you would hope a newer, cheaper model to sell more if you’re Elektron.

Can’t keep up with this thread :upside_down_face:

Can someone please give me a brief summary :rofl:

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New thing coming. Probably a musical instrument.


Whats taking so long with zoomed in freeze frames of teaser 2?!