I am using AB cv outputs to control Minitaur. I was wondering if i get a Kick Lancet will i have to sacrifice one A4 track to trigger it alongside with minitaur?
You can use the FX track for triggers.
So, i will still have all four A4’s tracks? That sounds good. But i got my finger on order butto for Lancet, and i wanna know for sure. I dont want to sacrifice any of A4’s track. I want to use Lancet as extra element.
yes, you can just run the KL through the EXT IN without occupying any A4 tracks. Just using the CV channel to trigger the KL.
The Vermona Kicks are brilliant by the way.
you’ll be fine as mentioned above wrt triggering - if you want to keep your fx track trigs for fx plocks then you could use a quantized LFO for kick triggering too - so you wouldn’t sacrifice any track trigs (albeit for restricted programmability, nothing a bit of random couldn’t spice up)
yeah i pretty much do the exact same thing with a jomox mbase 11. works a treat.
i assign a 5v gate function to cv d and send that to the audio trigger in of the jomox. i change the trig source of the CV D track to FX and put my trigs on the FX… and if for some reason i do want an FX trig without the kick sounding, you can just plock the source of the kick to any other track that you have a trig on. its actually amazing what you can pull off with it
i totally forget that mbase has trigger inputs also… gotta contemplate beetween thosse to again
by the way, i dont mind sacrificing the FX track for triggering. all i need is sounds, not FX p-locks. (and yes i am familiar with using inputs on A4, just a noob in CV)
also, i have little noob question.
as i read on the now well known A4 tutorial on CV and such, it helped me hook up my minitaur and i am having a great time.
but, as i read it there, it says that i can make melodic stuff by triggering and p-locking notes on the FX track… i was wondering…
does that mean that i can trigger a drum machine like vermona drm1 mk3, and make full beats with all of the sounds on drm??, using just an fx track??
of course, the cv track stays for minitaur…
and was wondering can i do complete beats triggering drm from fx track???
Hey again, unfortunately, its not fully possible to do what you ask with the vermona drm1 mk3 (great machine by the way, really regret selling my one)
Because you will be using 2 of the 4 cv outputs with the minitaur you would only be left with 2 outputs for the vermona (bit of a waste of the other 6 trigger inputs… That is, if you have the trigger input version.
I suppose if, for instance you did just want to use two of the drums of the Drm (say kick and snare) you could set CV C and CV D both to output 5 v gates. You could use the fx channel for your kick triggers and you could p lock trigs on other channels for your snare (for instance set a p lock for the trig source on trig 8 of track one to sound the snare)
This all sounds very complicated trying to explain but is actually a lot easier in practise
Yeah i believe its simple once i do it first time. It sounded complicated when i got the minitaur but its clear for me now.
You own an mbase?? I was thinking to get one. Is it enough for it just to use FX track to trigger its hits? You were mentionig something about waiting it to get “in sync”, like slowly putting volune up… Can you please explain more how you use it?? In a situaion when you also use CV AB for something else. Thank you.