Gestion d'un set up de 52 Midi channels / tracks

Get a room you 2 :kissing_heart:

Prenez une chambre!

Il parait que le francais est interdit ici :wink:


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Or better yet, a room for nearly 10 people :heart_eyes:


Or 52 people.

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@derlich I’m not sure what you’re looking after then, and from your answers it doesn’t seem like you know it either.

@PeterHanes suggestions were on point regarding your initial question, but you seem to be on the defensive here. Whatever your music experience may be, it’s always unwise to buy gear first and think about how to use it after, hence the answers you get. Even with a studio full of gear, it never hurts to take 2-3 machines alone and get them work together to better understand how to use them and how they can work with each other, nothing’s idiotic about that suggestion.

You’re asking for help here and instead of bragging about all the gear you’ve used, you could maybe try to better explain what you’re trying to do, you would get better answers then.

PS: I’m french too and willful to help, if you want.


I will answers nothing. It’s ok. Make pleasure with music Line me, but with vynils or machines, not here.

I think that I did not read your question closely enough when I first replied. I now realize that you were asking how you could connect a keyboard such as the KeyStep to control any track across your many MIDI instruments.

Elektron instruments do provide a way to do this. Their instruments have an “AutoChannel” feature: if you set the external keyboard to send MIDI Note messages on the AutoChannel of the Elektron instrument, then the instrument will route the Note messages to whichever track is currently selected on the instrument. If the selected track is configured to send MIDI messages, then the external keyboard can be used to control any instrument that is connected by MIDI further in the chain of MIDI devices.