Fx pedal for the OT

Done. :pl:


Just the right amount of acidity.

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Red Panda Tensor & Particle and if you want reverb they have a Context mkii.


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I’d need to sell a kidney to buy all this… i am looking for one pedal not the full pedal board :wink:

I am basically looking for sezare56 with knobs. And MIDI.


Aren’t we all :unicorn:

I enjoy my Zoia very much when I do actually finish patches. iPad with a small interface with MIDI. That Hologram looks great.

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I have an iPad but it’s somehow cracking if i overload it. I am already using it for synths and i prefer knobs for tweaking :wink:
The Hologram, you mean the Infinite Jets?

That too but I was thinking Microcosm.

it’d be nice to have the opportunity to load some of your projects for this type of OT mangling. I’d buy a pack of projects for the OT with simple instructions: i.e. Rainmaker project > load (or change the) a sample (loop) in T1, use this and this for that and that and so on.

Your examples are always very interesting.

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Didn’t see that one but a youtube comment mentions Battles for the sounds, i should love it!

He’s cheating, he owns the only MKIII known to this day :wink:

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I would consider the Source Audio Collider. It has really high quality delay and reverb that can be used simultaneously. Very flexible, stereo ins and outs with 8 presets, many more with midi and it’s affordable.
A decent demo:


I still wouldn’t completely rule out the Zoia. The algorithms are very good, and the UI is quite intuitive ones it is in your hands, even though it looks intimidating to start.

The part I like most about it is patch management… you take an SD card, load it up with folders of patches, load up a folder on the pedal, and go, giving you thousands of presets from a very healthy community of patch makers.

It lets you really ease into it, and you can honestly get by with just other people’s patches, if that’s what you want.

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That’s a good one too. It has a very nice shimmer. I’d like to add that the folks at Source Audio are wonderful people. I bought one of their pedals that works with their HotHand device (some sort of ring you wear that contains 3 axis gyroscopes that are sent over bluetooth and transformed into midi CC’s) and I had an issue with the internal battery. This was a discontinued device and I had bought it second hand. They found me a replacement unit and sent it over from Massachusetts to France, postage paid. For free. Now isn’t that customer service! Of course the Collider is on my wishlist now! (With Eventide’s new Blackhole pedal)


The live tweaking and the digital sound put me off a bit to get a Zoia. I found it very digital. And i like knobs.

Not sure I understand the digital comment (unless you are talking about using the oscillators on it specifically), but the types of effects you mentioned are inherently digital, unless you are planning to get a tape machine and do some crazy mods to it :sweat_smile:

But I totally get wanting a live tweak-able effect with knobs.

Maybe the Strymon Volante? Gets you a delay that can go weird, knobs for basically every parameter, MIDI, “analog” tape modeling, and even some spring reverb.

Not trying to push the Zoia but mapping “starred” parameters to OT ccs is a breeze.

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Indeed. I have so many “deep” gear that I’m not willing to add any more menu-diving items.

LEM was an italian manufacturer and it was not top quality gear, I remember the original LEM tape delays, they were not very highly regarded at the time (they were blown out ot the water by the Roland Space Echo or even the Dynacords, and a bit later on the Korg Stage Echo ) but everything that’s modeled after whatever vintage gear seems to get a special aura these days. I wouldn’t spend a penny on an original LEM tape echo unit…I’d rather get a Copycat, or a Korg Stage Echo, a Binson Echoplex etc but then again, maybe (probably) it’s digital recreation improved upon the original quite a bit.

Something you might look at is the Eventide PitchFactor. It has tons of interesting mangling capabilities, has delay lines as well, and has knobs. You could get one used for a decent price these days, many users having “upgraded” to the H9. The OT’s own reverbs and delays cover a lot of ground: you wouldn’t want yet another “basic” delay or reverb, but something that does stuff that the OT doesn’t do. As much as I like the Collider we talked about, maybe there’s too much overlap with the OT’s own FX.

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What I really like about Eventide, you can throw midi ccs at a H9, Timefactor, Pitchfactor, Space (also other Eventide fx afaik) - the reverbs don’t glitch when you modulate size, decay or other parameters, Pitchfactor algos can go so crazy…

I love knobs like crazy, but that’s basicall the reason why I have an H9 next to my OT - everything in it can be modulated to hell.

With OTs three lfos per track and the lfo designer, probaply a good idea to check if you could unleash them.