Fun things to do with LFOs?

What are some fun, interesting, or unusual things people like to do with LFOs?

This is not a particularly innovative one, but I like to put an LFO on hi-hats, using the random waveform, and with the destination set to decay.

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This is quite an open question; you might like to read some existing material on the forum:

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I got some good responses to this question recently, too: Digi Boxes LFOs Uses/Behaviors


Use 3 LFOs to modulate the rate of each other and nothing else. Its fun for them.


Your LFOs must get so buff.

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on the Digitone I love using fast lfo as pitch envelope to create blips and bloops with a slow lfo on random wave and hold mode on something like ratio/harmonics/operator offset and put them through tons of delay and reverb and chorus, then I use the midi loopback or lfo from ableton if it’s open to modulate the bandwidth filter and / or decay times of the amp envelopes…
sometimes that’s all I do for hours because it’s really fun and I really like the sound of that, it relaxes me :slight_smile:


I find that LFO 1 > LFO 2 > LFO 3 > LFO 1 is fine, but I like to spice things up with LFO 3 > LFO 1 > LFO 2 > LFO 3 now and then.

However LFO 3 > LFO 2 > LFO 1 > LFO 3 is just perverse.

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You have sentient, conscious LFOs?

I have yet to really explore making blips and bloops, but it seems the Digitone excels in such sounds.

I burned the roof of my mouth on an exceptionally hot LFO recently it was dripping with oil like a slice of pepperoni pizza just out of the oven and splattered my pants in a perverse pattern that didn’t come out in the wash.


We’re all, like, just waves, man.

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