

I can’t figure out what is going on

The world is so strange, and it is strange to even be alive. I am often frustrated when I try to find reliable news sources. We spend so much time fighting each other in many different ways… reality is strange, and trying to be informed about the world has many challenges.

I am naive, and gullible. This quote from Terence McKenna has helped me when I get caught up with these kinds of things, so I can go back to my normal operating mode:

“There must be a moment when the machinery and the working of the machinery becomes so odious that people are willing to strive forward and throw sand on the track and, uh, force a re-­evaluation of the situation. And it’s not done through organizing; its not done through vanguard parties or cadres of intellectual elites; it’s done through just walking away from all of that. Claiming your identity, claiming your vision, your being, your intuition and then acting from that without regret. Cleanly, without regret. “

I still try to understand what’s going on, but a lot of the time it’s hard to trust anything past my own immediate experiences. So I continue to go by the quote for now.


meh. can’t commit any more time to the zeitgeist people. that first one from years ago is bogus and full of holes and i think that guy went and started a cult. someone made a site/video debunking every aspect of the original … why would i want to bother w/the new update to same bullshit?

i’d rather watch adam curtis documentaries. and frontline or whatever reputable thing out there isn’t trying to think for me.

btw if you haven’t seen his Russia doc series it’s on youtube now. he doesn’t narrate it… which is unusual for him. it’s all dialog directly from the people being interviewed. no interpretation.

Russia: Traumazone 1985-1999
here’s episode 1… playlist of all 7 below.


I’m listening to this today.


Buadism is the only true path for humanity…

… or do you even care?


LOL the internet.

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…sure we are…

all the todays “lefties” sitting around their cornertable in some nice and cosy bar, where they frequently discuss all the possible and not so possible theories of how a better tomorrow could become reality, about which political concept might be “best”, what could be the plan to achieve all this…

could jump back a century to be a fly on the wall next to some cornertable in some nice and cosy bar, where all the yesterdays “lefties” tend to discuss all the possebilties of some tomorrow and how to get there…

they would realize…oooops…those yesterday “lefties” talk about the exact same issues already, like us today, as if there never was a yesterday…

there might be new ideas in astrophysics soon to come…
but in society and future concepts of “better” tomorrows we already reached the peak a few times…there is no next better idea waiting to be discovered…we always know better already, but still we tend to forget and to repeat…

as said…it’s really time…not to wake up…but to finally grow up…

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…humour is always key…

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Indeed, even Epictetus agreed.

That’s really what it comes down to, the documentaries suck shit and contain no tangible ideas in how to improve society somewhat.

But if you tithe your monthly income away they’ll totally reveal The Truth Elite Bankerz Don’t Want You To Know!!! and how to spot “those people” in public!

Fun fact: The term for Brand’s faux-revolutionary populism is “conspirituality” (which is just a minor evolution of the new age cult mindset’s move into the AM talk radio crank-space.)

Brand wants followers, so he’ll say anything the “traditional” and “alt” media will publish for audience capture.

He was never really that smart of a person, but the bobbleheads in the media love a celebrity with celebrity drama and if you’re married to famous people, you must be smart and worth listening to!

Left-leaning people talk incessantly about potential theories for tomorrow?

You need to stop peddling malicious trash and spend more time talking to (not at) other humans.

Weaponizing blood libel to downplay the role of Capitalism in its outcomes, substituting actual causal factors with exclusive promotion of violence against “Jewish elites”, as the Zeitgeist cult is structured around.

There’s nothing “revolutionary” or new about Neofascist rants, the ideas enclosed within are very old and dark, and as far from utopia as one could get.

If you don’t pay attention to history, you’ll fall for anything.


The answer is moar drugs. Have none of you read any PKD?


…u just can’t let go…can u…

while ur doing pretty good in taking quotes out of context…to proof which point exactly…?
ur point…where ever that might take u…
not where i’m coming from, not where i’m heading to…

would it help u, comfort u, if i promise…?

everbody can missunderstand…no problem…
but some just want to missunderstand…and that’s a huuuuge problem…

the line between human nature and human behaviour remains a bloody blurry one…

watching people act like they are confused, and dealing with a complex issue is hilarious.
this sh*t ain’t rocket science.

Look spoiler alert, there are people who hate other people and there are people who do not hate other people, you can tell the difference between the two types of people by watching who is trying to get someone different from them to get fired, to not live in their neighborhood, to not shop at their grocery store, to not sit at their counter or eat at their restaurant, to not take a walk on their beach, to not get a loan in their bank, to not let anybody that doesn’t look like them to go to their school, they want to abolish the constitution because now that it includes all people they have no use for it, they want to secede from the nation… promises promises… they don’t want kids to sell lemonade on the corner unless the kids look like them, they don’t want kids in the local pool unless they look like them, they are the people who say that god is punishing you with natural disasters in your state because you’re a bad person, but when there is a natural disaster in their state it’s the devils fault.
worst of all you can tell who these people are by their use of false equivalency and at the end of every diatribe they conclude with we’re all the same, we all do it, but no… that’s a lie because we all are not trying to do these things.

They come in every shape, size, gender, pigmentation, and background, and they are the A$$holes of the universe and hell some of them are even in my family but you know what… F those people.

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