Free Wavetables

If I try to open them in an audio editor (Adobe Audition) I get this error:

Error: AmioLSF plug-in could not open the file. Code: 20. File contains data in an unknown format.

I don’t own Adobe audition, so I’m not sure what caused the waveforms to fail to load.
Audacity and Sound Forge can read it without any problem.

Thanks. That’s really odd. I’ve just tried to load them in Audacity (file type not recognised error) and also Ableton Live (just doesn’t allow them to be loaded).

Is nobody else having this problem? I’m on OSX Catalina with a variety of audio software, none of which can load these sounds.

Did you try import , not load/open.
I’m on osx

Audacity popped up a msg to use import raw when I initially tried it ( this was loading the polyend file )

thanks for all the links to editors/generators! i hope not to derail but i am wondering if it’s possible to make a single cycle wave of a chord with non-octave intervals, havent seen much info for this.


It is possible:

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this might derail the thread, but i find that theres a lot of memory on the samplers i use (digitakt, octatrack , a few others) so i see no need to use waveforms , i just sample notes/baselines/long nice pads and use those… so much easier.

theres also a load of them already on digitakt , i’m pretty sure it covers everything i might want to use.

funny, it’s been a about 4 days since i last looked this up! thanks

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Recently, I received an email from a Mac user who purchased my sample pack and was unable to unzip 7zip. It could be unzipped normally on my old mac OS, so maybe it’s the latest mac OS.

I uploaded it in zip format, so please check it. (345.2 KB)

It is possible to create single cycle waves of chords.
Major chord overtone[ Just intonation)]
C—1, 2, 4, 8, 16…
G—3, 6, 12, 24, 48…
E—5, 10, 20, 40, 80…

Harmoic Table .pdf (60.6 KB)

Wavetable Pack I sell also contains single cycle waves of chords.


Ah! That worked taro, thank you!

Let me try installing 7zip as I originally uncompressed the files using the built-in unzip (Archive Utility) which might not be handling 7zip correctly.

I will report back.

Update: I unpacked the 7zip archives using The Unarchiver and now they work perfectly.

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This looks useful, but what does it mean to convert from 48khz to 41 sampling? Are these not Elektron (DT) friendly already?

Why does the ‘sample number’ need to change? Can anyone explain the mechanics please?

DT and AR are compatible with 48kHz samples and OT is compatible with 44.1kHz samples.

Since the sampling rate of the wavetable is 44.1kHz, it is necessary to convert the sampling rate to 48khz when using it with DT.

Thanks for the update taro!

These samples are great. Tried the single-cycle ones on my Deluge the other day :+1:t2:

I hope you don’t mind but I sort of made a subset for Deluge users (got rid of the 48Khz versions and flattened the folder structure a bit as it’s a pain to navigate folders on the Deluge display) and shared them out for other Deluge users. I put in a text file crediting you for uploading them and a URL that points to this thread.

I hope you don’t mind but I sort of made a subset for Deluge users (got rid of the 48Khz versions and flattened the folder structure a bit as it’s a pain to navigate folders on the Deluge display) and shared them out for other Deluge users. I put in a text file crediting you for uploading them and a URL that points to this thread.

That’s OK.:vulcan_salute:

The source has been forgotten, but Deluge seems to add Wavetable synths in the future.

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Yes, there is a button for it but so far there is no implementation in the firmware.

Hey thanks a lot ! A question though, I downloaded the whole package, single cycle + wavetable and made a quick look at what is inside and found that every file I checked was stored in folders labelled SCW which I suppose stands for Single Cycle Waveform is there a way to differntiate wavetables from single cycle ? Sorry if I missed the obvious.

Thanks a lot ! I was, indeed missing the obvious !

It’s worth pointing out that while the article is in Japanese, Google Translate seems to do a pretty good job translating it into English :slight_smile:


Thank you !! :grin:

I think DeepL is better than Google Translate.