Franklin SS-6

what are your thoughts on this, how would you EQ your different synths in your usage, how would you use it?


I’ve thought about picking one of these up before. There’s a few uses I could think of for this, and I think it would make a good utility box for a studio.

One use would be if you have a sampler with only one pair of inputs, you could use this as a switcher for your synths/instruments to quickly switch instead if swapping cables, maybe using the “thru” output into your sampler. Then you could also send the same signal path out through the DI output into your interface preamps, in case you might also want to record something into your DAW at some point, again, without switching cables.

Another used case would be recording your synths dry signal out of the DI output, while also sending the signal out the “thru” output and into your pedal/effects chain, and then recording the wet signal separately. And since it’s also a switcher, so you can set up your effects chain, and then try out different synths or instruments through it. Also, two thumbs up because it is stereo. And also, I suppose you could treat it as dual mono lines.


I like to set and forget my synths with a mixer, but can see this as a utility piece as you describe hmm

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Yeah, I think a mixer is going to be more versatile. This one probably has more specific use cases, and in a small or medium sized studio, it might replace a patchbay, and while also adding in a DI box.

As above, I was thinking to grab one as a switcher for the sample inputs on my sp1200.

I actually tried to ignore it until this thread appeared as I’m trying to avoid spending…

I used to have a simpler version of this to route output to my sampler to record and was useful. Have another at home just for our living room speakers to switch inputs.

For input to a sampler I’d recommend to use a patchbay, cheaper, simpler, more flexible, and most importantly does not tie up the outputs of the gear.

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Was just looking at patchbays, i guess you can switch without clicks or pops.

speaking of patch bays I’ve been eyeing this one

Yeah gonna get this one myself.