Forever synth or forever guitar?

The question of service in x no of years is very important. But when your 50 things start to seem a little more mortal anyway. Nothing lasts forever.


Lol. I’ve got a 5 year old, and when I die he needs to be able to sell my synth collection to pay for college!


Best. Excuse. Ever. (for a synth collection) :slight_smile:


Haha. Genius.


I mean, it’s that or bitcoin, and synth prices seem a lot more stable than crypto. Plus synths actually exist.



Let me just say, the “Prophet 5” lettering is iconic, and it might be worth getting the 5-voice version just to get that design on the chassis. Then you can install the add-on for the full 10 voices. Now that’s what I call going all in.

I’m glad I’m not the only person reading this thread thinking what this guy needs is a bass.

I would recommend to try, if you haven’t already, a small Gibson acoustic as well. Maybe you know for a fact, that Martin is your sound, and then just disregard my suggestion.

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It does sound like you really want a very good acoustic guitar, and you should go for that. Make a trip out of it, set a budget and play everything in a hundred miles radius within that budget and buy something that really clicks (and is probably just above your budget). You will never regret it.

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you’ve got a lot of great suggestions here, I’m partial to the one’s with sequential in them but whichever you chose Happy Birthday


My wife gave me money to buy a new computer for my 50th last summer, but I decided I wanted something more monumental that would last longer so I bought a Echo Fix EF-X2 Tape Echo. Not a synth or guitar, but can be used with both and that was my choice.


Ah, I do have one, although not a very fancy one. Enough to occasionally channel my inner Peter Hook from time to time…

Yeah, fortunately I live a couple hours from Chicago. I’m thinking a trip to CME the next time I’m up there.


sounds to me like you want a parlour guitar with the woods you mentioned. and in my experience there are more options than Gibson that sound as well the (overpriced) Gibsons. personally I own an Aria that sounds at least as good as the Gibson equivalents. unless you are settled on the brand it might be an option to search for this style of guitar from different brands and be done for half price of a Gibson.

with half the money left over maybe you can sell a synth or 2 and use the budget leftover from the guitar and the selloff to buy the once in a lifetime synth as well?

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Try a John Pearse P116 string set for softer couch playing and see if you like them. If so enjoy your current acoustic and buy another poly.

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I would personally get the guitar for a few reasons…

Guitars (to me, as a guitarist initially) still feel a bit more like ‘instruments’. There’s so much you simply can’t get away with without being able to actually play well. BUT, at the same time, playing the OB6 is the closest I’ve got to a keyboard/synth that really starts to feel like an instrument rather than a sound-making-thing-with-buttons.
(Totally not trying to diss anyone, this is just how I feel with them).

The second thing is after having a P6 for a bit, then an OB6, I really don’t see what the P5 can bring that either of those synths can’t. I’ve watched loads of demos/comparisons etc., and as I said above, the P6/OB6 geniunely feel like things you have to play well and feel compared to other synths. I just can’t see the P5 going further except with ‘nostalgia factor’ from being the poster synth you saw your favourite bands using when you were younger.

So I would get the guitar, and sell some things to get a P6 too.

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Problem solved.


Does it come with the jacket?

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Nope, sorry, the jacket actually caught fire during a particularly savage solo at a Huey Lewis gig.

Polyester mate.


As long as it comes with a pair of these

And a can of this: