FM workshop livestream + Live/DJ sets

back on track :slight_smile:

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I’ll stream tomorrow!


Damn I watched the first hour yesterday, now it doesn’t show up anymore.
@Ess really great , the dirty sounds are so interesting. Please tell me if the stream is still available somewhere

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Just watched the Twitch on FM, thanks @Ess, I definitely learned a bunch. Any chance you’ll post your stream on the DN? The clips look really interesting. Thanks!

Why was your stream on DN put down?
It was ace, I could have used a second watch :slight_smile:

yeah I need that stream, please :slight_smile:

Also, @ess, I couldn’t help but noticing that you said you were feeling down and that you hadn’t done any streaming in the past few days. So, no pressure at all – we’d love a new stream at some point but only when you’re feeling up to it. But most of all, (speaking for everyone here haha) we all wish you well and hope you’re doing good in the meantime :yellow_heart:


Agh, I forgot to add the second stream as a highlight! No worries, I’ve got it downloaded. Can upload to YouTube at some time.

@craig That’s very nice of you, thanks!! It’s up and down, how could it not be in this fever dream of a reality, but I’m mostly ok - I’ve just been busy with some stuff this weekend (new 0 day!), and enjoying some time off from work due to easter - which put me in a very calm state, so I needed to cherish that a bit.

I’ve been trying to figure out what to stream exactly and on which day, but I think I’ve landed on Wednesday and focusing on Max and how I work with it. I’ll make a post on my Instagram when it’s solidified.


Awesome. New 0 Day, new streams! Yey! :slightly_smiling_face:

I also couldn’t make it to the stream! Really bummed about that actually, was really looking forward to that with all the days blurring together! Please let us know @Ess if you end up uploading it somewhere!

Oh, I suppose I should actually check Instagram in the future! Thanks!

In case some of you don’t use Instagram
(or don’t follow me … in that case how dare you)

Going to be streaming on Max and Gen~, focusing on how I use it for work and personal projects such as Hard/Softcore. No actual Elektron IP will be shown, but I will show my process and approach.


Followed today! Deepest apologies for my past errors and for not doing it sooner :slightly_smiling_face:

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Heads up - stream starts in 2 hours! :slight_smile:


@Ess disappointed to discover that your deep-dive into the Digitone Twitch stream has disappeared? Is this recording available anywhere? I was saving watching it to study with when I had a decent stretch of time :frowning:


is this the one you’re asking about?

Hi @ivarin - Thanks, but no - it was called “Let’s dive into the Digitone”.

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@Ess mentioned he would upload it to YouTube at some point.
I’m also waiting for this to be published :slight_smile:

Well… I was going to upload the Digitone stream right now, but I forgot that I had saved that particular video on my laptop, on which I cleared my Downloads folder on yesterday… Ehm.

I’ll try recover the data, hopefully hasn’t been overwritten yet but unfortunately it might be lost forever.

But eh, whatever - I should just make a real Digitone tutorial instead.


fingers crossed you’ll be able to recover it :crossed_fingers: was really hoping to watch it!