Flying Lotus - You're Dead

For any Flylo fans. Pretty cool preview from Flying Lotus’s latest album with brilliant illustration from Shintaro Kago.

I know that he uses the Analog Keys, I wonder what tracks features it?

Anyhow I’m pretty excited for it!

Jam Packed

Hate to be a negative nancy, but I think Flying Lotus’s stuff has gone all downhill since Los Angeles (which was pure brilliance). The last album just sounded like any random jazz club (where everything sounds the same), and judging from the preview, it’s more of the same this time around.

Don’t hear much Analog Keys in there. How do you know he has a AK?

To be fair its hard to compare anything to Los Angeles. I think thats part of the reason he decided to try new things. He’s still young, so we will see.

Until The Quiet Comes is pure quality, you can’t get much closer than that to creating the perfect album. It’s weird how differently individuals can hear the same thing.

from Elektron’s instagram :


I personally thought Cosmogramma was his best. You’re Dead sounds like a Cosmogramma 2 to me, which has me completely ecstatic about it.

UTQC was good too, more of a concept album for me.

I just hear samples all over … nice stuff though.

I agree…sounds like tons of samples and the composition lacks any fluidity. I hear “elements of Jazz” but this actually did not bode well with my brain and nerves. Samples and more samples.