Hi there,
I know it’s possible to playback a flex track while recording.
I’m wondering if there’s any way (hack or legit) to NOT clear the buffer each time a recording starts. Instead I want to just overwrite the buffer as it records, while keeping the previous recording in the buffer up until the point at which the ‘write-head’ gets to it and overwrites.
As an example:
Track 1 Flex track, source set AB, 1 one-time record trig on first step of record track.
Record a 16 step recording by arming the flex track and hitting play.
We should now have a 16 step recording in our buffer.
On Track 1 GRID place down 16 trigs and activate ‘slice’ mode.
Now in AED randomize the trigs so we get a chopped up resampled version of the flex buffer.
Now if I arm the flex track and press play, I won’t hear anything until the first bar is complete. This is because the flex buffer seems to get cleared when recording the new buffer.
Is there a way to maintain the previous contents of the buffer while only over-writing as you go?
I had experimented with overdubbing but I don’t think this will work since I don’t want to keep the previous stuff.