FLEX & STATIC choosing question?

Thanks. I’ll sleep my night better not wondering about this anymore. :smiley:

How long can a stereo sample be (in seconds) and you still able to use it with FLEX?

Depends on sampling rate, mono or stereo etc…

Stereo at highest quality? :thinking:

Basically OT as a fixed amount of ram avaliable, you can play any ( format compatible) file, whatever its length as long as it doesn’t exceed said ram…I dunno what it could be in term of duration…

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Should correspond to max available recording.

RAM : 85.5 MB
Reserve Recordings set to None, only one sample in a Flex slot.
16 bits: 508s -> 8m28s (stereo)
24 bits: 339s -> 5m39s (stereo)

Try these durations.
Can be doubled in mono.
(OT records stereo files only, but it can play mono files.)

Of course if you want to use several samples, you have to limit durations accordingly.


Confirmed. In Flex slots you can’t load a stereo sample longer than max recording length, 508,586 s, 10172 steps at 300 bpm, 22 428 672 samples…:nerd_face:


Yo, I’d just like to shout out to everyone who’s dropped useful information on this thread -

Thank you!!

Since getting my OT I’ve stuck to Flex tracks for their chopping and editing flexibility, and had led myself to believe that static tracks could largely be ignored.
Stumbling across this thread and reading from the top has made me realise that I can actually use Static tracks in a way that works for me, and that means I can stretch those precious 84MB further!
Thanks again.


Man… 85.5MB isn’t what it used to be! Gotta use those static slots.


The idea behind the static machines is basic looping/playback of long audio files during a live. The flex(ible) machines are there to “perform” with on top of the static machines. The Octatrack is an advanced stereo loopstation and an audio mangler with some MIDI tracks thrown in. When it came out it was the only hardware alternative to Ableton Live. In the studio I’ve never found a use for the static machines.