Flex Machine audio input only audible on Inputs A and C

Ok. I’m really hoping I don’t have a faulty Octatrack. I have only had it for a couple of months and I’m hoping I am doing something wrong.

Here are my settings:

Track one turned on. Set to a flex machine and record buffer set to 1.

Mix menu , DIR is set to 127 for both INAB and INCD


All my levels are normal.

I have an external sound source (Digitone) sending audio to input A on the Octatrack via a mono cable. I can hear the audio fine on the Octatrack I can record/sample it no problem. If I take that sound source cable out of the input A and put it in input B in the Octatrack (Digitone is still playing) there is not sound. The LED on Input B shows there is a signal. I can record / sample it but I can’t hear it. Untill I hit Func+play via the sample edit menu.

The only way to hear audio on inputs B and D is if I set the track to a Thru machine and then designate the input to either B or D.

Has anyone else run into this? Do I have a faulty unit that can’t send audio via Input B or D when the track is a flex machine? What am I doing wrong?

I also started the unit up in Demo mode and I still couldn’t get (audible) sound out of B or D when the track was set to a flex machine even though I could when the sound was going in A and C.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That’s really a good question. When using direct monitoring (via the mixer menu DIR parameter) the signals A/B are directly mixed into the main outs L/R. I cannot think of any way to prevent B from getting mixed into main/R (while A goes to main/L).

Neither the track recorders nor the used playback machine on a track has any influence on direct monitoring.

Since you even tried it with Demo mode your best chance for more informations is to contact Elektron’s support directly.

Weird that it works with THRU and not FLEX.

What are your INAB / INCD settings in REC SETUP?

You can hear the recording in Audio Editor with Func+Yes, thats it?

It’s even more weird that direct monitoring is not working. With flex and a track recorder there is always the possibility for misconfiguration. But direct monitoring has no parameters beside DIR and GAIN and both apply equally to A&B (or C&D).

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Yes. Not very clear btw.
@Otisbeans, welcome, and, do you confirm you can’t hear B and D with DIR?

Problem solved. I feel like a F**king idiot. I had only 1 mono cable plugged into the left main out. 🤦. I’m so used to mono synths that the first thing I did was put a mono cable into the left main and forgot about it. Everything worked fine until I tried to direct monitor from the B and D inputs.


:laughing: It’s the number one Octatrack bug. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Another wtf my OT is faulty good moment! :content:

Number 2 is no sounds in headphones, not plugged.