Fixed my monomachine!

I had a monomachine with a dead E output, and the pads the jack is soldered to were stripped. I managed to solder jumpers from the pads of the caps to the jack and everything is back in action. Man tho hand-soldering SMT is a bit :grimacing:


Nice! I had to do something similar with a Rytm once. The previous owner had end-cheek screws that were too long, and they ripped up a few traces. Got it all working in the end though. :slightly_smiling_face:

good job. Your bravery is much higher than mine :smiley:

I used a silver pen to fix the traces on an rm1x once. Worked well. Pretty easy fix. Glad you got your mono machine working

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Do you have any close ups of the inside of the MnM? Love that kinda stuff. Anyways, congratulations! Good job

Nothing super close, but I took these to make sure I put it back together properly


Thank you!

I’m guessing with all your experience you were sweating less than me tho :slight_smile:

“it’s doceousaliexpil…” Wonder what thats about?

Hmmm…it’s on the machine drum too

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It’s because …

the sound of it is something quite atrocious

But that’s going a bit too far, don’t you think?

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:smiley: No it was still a slow, careful process, and I was constantly worried I’d make it worse. I have no problem building things or fixing my own circuits, but I get nervous working on others,

Wow, that J2 junction looks pretty precarious!