Here’s another continuation of the theme. My kids were going mental dancing when I recorded this. Mistakes o’ plenty… but the energy was right when jammed out, so I thought I’d keep it as is.
Here’s another continuation of the theme. My kids were going mental dancing when I recorded this. Mistakes o’ plenty… but the energy was right when jammed out, so I thought I’d keep it as is.
i really like this. raw + hypnotic. i’m listening in one ear of broken headphones and enjoying it.
i haven’t really listened to any ghettotech before. any producers / tracks you recommend?
Thanks man,
To be honest, I’m not sure if this would classify as ghetto tech. It’s become it’s own genre, but … back in the day Frankie bones released a bunch of 45s called Ghetto Technics… these tracks were sort of inspired by that dirty, urban style of techno.
L8r man,
Thank you Rael,
Cool man I like it
Thank you:)