Filters on the Analog Rytm Mk2 mixed up?

Using the latest firmware, the filters on the AR don’t seem to be working as they should…

Seems like the names and animation have been mixed up??

LP2 works well
LP1 acts like a high pass filter
BP acts like a notch?
HP 1 acts like a low pass
HP 2 works
BS acts like a high pass
PK seems to work

Is this happening for anyone else?

that’s weird! have you tried running the calibration again?
assuming it’s the same for all tracks/kits/projects sounds like maybe the filter tables got messed up…

Good idea, running calibration now :+1:

No difference after recalibrating. Have contacted Elektron support.


Oh wow!

Can you back up, and install the last os you were on, then reinstall the current os?

I’ll give that a try :+1:

More weirdness, filter is working normally on some tracks (like RS) but not others (BD and LT)

Can anyone confirm that filters are working as they should be for them on their BD track?

filters working correctly on every track for me, including BD/LT

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Any updates on this? My LP filter isn’t working on track 3/4. Rest seems to be working fine…

Edit: restoring factory calibration solved the issue…