Feature Request - Pattern Tempo

It would be very useful to be able to be able to set a tempo for each pattern.

There are also many scenarios where a single global tempo is useful.

I would like to add a new global setting: Use pattern tempo

[li]When set to OFF the global tempo would be used (current behaviour)[/li]
[li]When set to ON the pattern tempo would be used.[/li]

When set to ON the tempo dial would modify the current patterns tempo. This tempo would be saved with the pattern.

When using external clock sync this would override both the global and pattern tempo.


This is a general complaint with the Elektron sequencer design. Using the arranger/song mode allows you to specify tempo.

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Had not realised that Song mode supports a tempo, this would work for what I want to achieve. Many thanks for pointing this out (I’m a new Elektron user).

Would still value the above feature in addition to song mode.

Sorry but how do you save a tempo with the song ? It tried but didn’t find the right way…
Thanks by advance

To be honest I don’t use that mode often, but I thought it keeps track of the tempo when you add a pattern to the arranger? I might be entirely mistaken though. :zonked:

i support tom’s suggestion 100%. i was thinking about the excact same implementation for this.

It seems that only the Octa’s song mode has tempo :frowning:

Tempo pattern save +10000 PLEASE elektron!!

Same request here to be able to do a full live show with an AK and AR !

As always: write it in the saved name on the cryptically small screen.

Then write the location, name and tempo on some paper, in a font size you can read.

Its such a weakness, and worse seems all the song modes dont really work the same way???
We never hear anything on this matter (that i remember) even though it rears its ugly head every few months. So its not ever gonna happen.

Luckily I just use a Tempest as the master clock.

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Using overbridge with Ableton and Abletons tempo time signature change function in Abletons arrangement view window makes this possible, especially when total recall is introduced. Also works without overbridge, but you can’t recall your song and patterns, although recording a song and loading manually still makes tempo time signature changes possible with ableton.