Favorite Octatrack Sound Packs?

The MPC Memories thread got me thinking about possibly getting an Octatrack sound pack. I think I’d have fun with the Yard Sale Gear or Hell Bent On Circuits packs, while also learning by studying how the project, patterns, etc. were configured.

What are your favorites?

I actually really dug the Chillwave one: I ended up using it for Hip-Hop stuff, but the samples were very different than anything else I had loaded into my OT and inspired me to seek out a more eclectic mix of samples.

I loved the kinda bright but gloomy atmosphere of the guitars and synths together.

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Cool, the Chillwave is another one I’ve been contemplating.

Yeah I’m wondering the same. Feeling like it’s time for me to try one of these. The MPC Memories one is intriguing to me and so is the SP1200 one. I didn’t care too much for the Soundcloud demos of the Chillwave one but now I’m curious about it.

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Chillwave pack is nice :slight_smile:

I think all of the packs should be interesting to see how patterns and scenes are designed …

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Is there a special format these are sent in or is it just wavs?

My two cents as someone who has bought most of the Elektron sound packs. If you are interested in seeing some examples of patterns and scenes, the packs are completely worth it. They contain lessons you won’t read on a forum.

If you just want new sounds, buy packs from Loopmasters. I picked up the Goldbaby sound pack about four months ago and was surprised to see Elektron release the same pack.

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Important note: The Elektron/Goldbaby sample packs contain samples derived from several separate Goldbaby packs. They are not just rebranded. We’ve hand picked a bunch of samples we felt were the best and would make the most sense to include in a pack.

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Thanks for clarifying Jon. I guessed that it was the same pack based on the sounds in the demo.