This thread maybe?


Thatā€™s the one :+1:

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This was my childhood.


I think elektron has option to send all screen data over usb/midi, at least on devices after Analog Four. You can see it in action on Analogs firmware update videos or on @Ess Digitone streams

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Would be good if more kit had VGA out I thinkā€¦


What you see in these videos is just a clever placement of cameras and some post production to insert it enlarged, contrast corrected and geometrically corrected as overlay.



You could build a max/maxforlive editor for all controls.
It would be easy since you donā€™t need bidirectional communication and just mirror it to whatever screen you like. Bonus: lay out all parameters in one window to see everything at once.

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I took the idea here and programmed an app for the iPad:

You need a lens (ā€œIboolo phone lens 90 degree square angle periscope lens for smartphoneā€) and also a good stand - and an iPad.

The detection shown in the video, and also the algorithms to increase the image quality are not trivial, but far from perfect. If there is enough interest, I would be happy to finalize the app and try to release it in the App Store, respectively provide a test version first.

Feedback is welcome!


Looks awesome and an ingenious idea too :ok_hand:


This could work well for many devices , you could do more overlays on the iPad screen , include colours etc.
Maybe slow the refresh rate to save on battery ( I assume the camera is running in movie mode ? )
Could even add audio / voice ā€¦ helping visually impaired people

Itā€™s. Good start . Nice work.

And if your interpreting the screen you could rework for vr headsets ā€¦ it could recognise the device layout and augment a help manual ā€¦ similar to that apple headset ( though similar probably exists on quest for years )


I was thinking this too, I think that it has many applications as well.

Good work @raizen

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Adding the manual information right there on the screen is so cool! I like this idea a lot.

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Neil has some sort of magnifying device on his OT


Iā€™m gonna try to find a lens the right size and then maybe 3d print an box/enclosure for it?

In the meantime, i realized i could use the MANIFOLD app to see my OT settings, because i have my ipad as a midi and audio router with my setup.

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i like the idea and i think itā€™s been nicely implementedā€¦there sure is room for improvement but it is indeed a good start already. well done :smiley_cat:

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i found fresnel lens the size of a credit card, need to design a 3d frame for the printerā€¦

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My short-term solution to the small screen and low resolution problem. It works well for now but I need a better solution.

Has anyone come up with a longer-term solution?

I realize that we are a minority who complain about the small screen and low resolution :unamused: