I borrowed a friend’s machinedrum, A4 is the master clock and the machinedrum’s outputs are going into the A4’s inputs.
When the A4 is playing by itself everything is alright, but when the machinedrum plays at the same time the A4’s sound goes to shit, but when i’m using an audio interface and they are going into separate inputs everything sounds good.
well if an A4 sound is playing at the same time as a MD sound, the A4 sounds heavily distorted, but it doesn’t happen if the MD is playing way quieter than the A4.
If i take my machinedrum… make a pattern… and just connect it to my octatrack… it doesnt sound good at all… then i measure it all… and i find out that the leveling of everything is way to loud. .
takes some tinkering and all that… but when i reduce overal volume of the machinedrum… and the overal level of the octatrack… everything sounds a whole lot better…
weirdly enough… I can record my machinedrum with everything as loud as possible in my vs2400 with no clipping and all that… I dont know why…
are you using the inputs at the fx-page or do you use one voice with osc set to in L or R ?..when you use the inputs as oscillator source its easy to crank the amp to distortion when the patch is triggered and polyphony is enabled…the voice is doubletriggered every cycle…or the resonances of the filters are too high, then the sound will really distort heavily…also check overdrive.