External Audio processing? What can be affected?

I cant find much info on what can be sent to external audio - so when I’m bringing an external synths audio into the rythm can I use the filter on it?

I find the lack of a good manual pretty annoying - come on Elektron!

The manual was just released. It can be downloaded at elektron.se

Ext in is before the comp, well after the filter stage, diagram in the quick start guide.
Manual just gone up, there’s a post going around about it.


thats really dissapointing…

ps bluewolfse7en - seen ya vids on youtube - ill upload mine this weekend :wink:

Will having a digital synth plugged into the analog rytm give it some ‘analog warmth’ though - even if its just compression or a reverb affecting it?

Not overly I’d imagine - I use a Triton for most of my pads processed through my Analog 4 but the A4 will process signals through the synth engine & filters if you want it too which is extremely handy.