Ext inst fx stop working sometimes

i have my jp-08 and ms20 going into the digitone.

sometimes the effects on those tracks only stop working. usually works after power cycle.

is this a bug or a feature? maybe there’s a hidden fx mute shortcut somewhere?

Is it after a pattern switch perhaps?

nah same pattern

Maybe you pressed stop button twice, which stops all sounds?

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The problem is much bigger than it seems.
I have this on each mixer parameter.
You can solve this quickly by changing the certain parameter about one increment of its displayed value. The parameter change will force the os to catch this parameter which was not executed during the pattern change.
This bug is a pain in the a… for all those who would like to use the enternal ins for live gigs.
I solved the problem for long term by activating the default mixer function and stored the volume settings of my external gear. But this has the downside that all the other parameters of the mixer page are set on default too, even its not activated in the menu settings.
In this way all settings are equal on each pattern. so I must set up the parameters manually when needed.