Ext. Input Volume Values

Can’t say if it’s only a thing on the Digitone (probably not), but is there a way on the external input-pages to have “full” steps in volume values instead of those crazy specific ones?

What I mean is turning the knob and getting from 1.00 to 2.00 to 3.00 etc., instead of rotating it till the end of the day to get from 0.00 to 50.00, for example.

I know, pressing Func while rotating brings me up to 100.00, but I’m mostly hanging around 40.00 to 60.00, so 100.00 isn’t very helpful.

Therefore I’m wondering if there’s some kind of middle way?

push encoder in then turn or turning faster sometimes works on params

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the only way I know is with a midi controller, if you use 0-127 values that will give you 1 increments.
internally, pushing the encoder will give you ~4 increments.
but, if you set the external mixer levels as global, they will be consistent across patterns and banks, once it’s in the ballpark of your normal values, it’s easier to adjust them.

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Thank you both for your answers!

Pushing the encoder… can’t believe I haven’t tried that before :man_facepalming: It may be not exactly what I was looking for, but it definitely helps!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Also gonna have a look into that MIDI thing…

Thanks again and cheers! :pray:


when you need to get to some values as integers (more important ones than volume) it often pays, if it’s not on a convenient integer already to push turn quick left - it gets to zero, then rotate right (while pushing) and turn fast then slow and you will land on 100.00 (or any number divisible by 4) in no time, the trick is to release without twisting, but even if you twist on release on twist it’s not too hard to fix

In other parameters this ux is not great, i have been chasing a way to increase in ones which is already implemented on the AH+FX - it’s important to have integer control on quite a few parameters

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Sounds like I don’t just have new information to work with, also have to add some new muscle memory to the reportoire :brain::muscle::grinning:

Thanks for the hint!

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Another one: those ext. inputs run HOT. I have mine set in the 27-30 range.

They run hot?! You mean physically??

No. They are very loud. Like a “hot” mic.

Ok, got it! :sweat_smile: (please excuse my confusion from before, english is not my first language!)

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