Expressive E Osmose

I was getting sensor errors on boot up. Was worried was a hardware fault. They sent me this firmware update a couple of months ago and it fixed the issue which I was delighted about as not loving the idea of having to send it back to them.


so what does the new firmware bring? i can’t find the release notes

scroll 2 posts up, @g3o2 posted them. (they are also in the change log.txt in the download)


HI, Tried to update firmware and the Osmose went on a Bootloop. In a Facebook group theres another guy that got the same problem. I found the way to solve it before received instructions from Expressive Support. Anyway tried a second time and happened again so waiting new instructions from support if I have to update or no.

aha, i saw that ofcourse, but i thought ‘thats it’?
if thats it, i’m hesitant to upgrade especially after the other posts with issues.


fwiw, my upgrade went fine, the button LED issues were kind of annoying, glad that’s fixed

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I hear that other people had no problems but a response from support let me think that no all Osmoses are exactly the same, varies by Serial number. I bought my unit just a couple of weeks back I hope that that is a good thing and not the contrary

EE also thought they had tested for every contingency, yet they have realised that this is not so according to a recent post by Hans. They will fix it in January.

Is there some sort of Osmose users forum besides the Facebook group? That group used to be public (i.e. you could view it without a Facebook account) but it now seems to be private. I’d love to be able to check out what the Osmose community is talking about but no way I’m signing up for Facebook…

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i’m in the same boat re:facebook, there is an official discord, it’s a bit quiet


any experiences with the firmware so far? is it worthwile installing?

Would you recommend the osmose for the audio modeling swam instruments ?
Thanks !

It’s new and shiny, and it’s free! :wink:

I love Swam instruments with any Keyboard, I used with regular keyboards with keyboards with aftertouch with Seaboard and now with Osmose. It took me a while to make it work as good as with the Seaboard but I got good results I think. Basically I in Swam program in midi assignment that Expression is controlled by CC74,adjust the Curve to your liking and the same with Vib amount and Rate and Bow pressure in the Strings inst. Also I use the Osmose Weighted pressure portamento but you have to use Midi port 2 to use it.

Thanks !!! I heard some folks were saying that expression was reset upon playing the following key, which is not ideal… So you confirm that you can get the same performance as a Roli rise in that regard ?

Well exactly like the Rise not but very good and sometimes better because can play things that are difficult in the Seaboard, By the way I have two Seaboard Blocks which I image is more difficult than in the Rise but anyway I used a lot in Live situations and OK. The Expression in Swam is a control that normally is activated with Pressure, If the Curve in Swam is from 0 to 127 you are gonna have the same problem that Expression resets to 0 and is difficult to play medium to fast notes, In the Osmose I recommend using CC74 for Expression and set the Curve from like 60 to 127, You adjust it to your liking, so when you press a note theres sound already. If you need less in some passages well adjust it or have some Hardware slider assigned to that.

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Thanks so much. Still seems less than ideal with a limited expression range. Think I’ll go the k-board pro 4 for waaaay cheaper !

Buy whathever you like but its not different in other keyboards. When you play a key if starts at expression 0 theres almost no sound and you have to press down the keys in order to sound, beautifull slow attack sound,problem is when you play fast every key has to be pressed to reach a sound and is mechanically impossible, the same happens with seaboard and imagine is the same in K-board. Starting at 60 you get a really quiet sound and have a lot of expression left to get to full sound.

Mmmhhh thanks a lot for this. Best would be to try !

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When first playing this keyboard (when I got my preorder pretty close to when it was released), using the EaganMatrix, I was blown away, feeling that I would have been content with even just having a single preset (just like you, in practice, have for a piano).

However, while I still like the keybed and how it works, I’ve gravitated more and more away from the EaganMatrix, especially since I got my Super 6 Desktop. And the Super 6 doesn’t even do MPE especially well (yet, hopefully, as there is a v1.0 patch around the corner); most notably, I can’t use pressure to slowly fade in the sound.

I don’t know what bothers me with the EaganMatrix sound. It just doesn’t have that punch that I’m after. I’ve tried running it through compressor, to my Analog Heat +FX, through my Octatrack, but I can’t get it to sound the way I like, whatever that is. It feels thin. It feels like it’s lacking power. At least when trying to fit it into a mix together with my heavily disted Syntakt.

So, to avoid frustration, I’m just going to use the Expressive E as a midi controller for a while. Maybe coming back to it later will make me appreciate it again. I don’t know.