Expressive E Osmose

I actually already own this one, but I forgot it does MPE!

That’s one of the problems I find with plugins – because they’re not staring me in the face I tend to forget both which ones I own (e.g. when I upgrade my computer and need to reinstall software) and what their capabilities are. Not so with hardware instruments…

yeah, I agree, I used to buy quite a few plugins … but stop quite a while back.
Aalto is the one I keep going back to, as its so quick n’ easy to use (and sounds good too).

in contrast things like UVI Falcon (which I have) are really powerful, but if you dont use for a few months, you have to spend a bit of time remembering how it all works.

I guess a bit like hardware, its not a bad idea to focus on just a couple of (plugin) synths that you like, and really get to know them, and then keep using so you dont forget :wink:
(… which actually partly what’s happened to me with Aalto, and vahalla reverbs)

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On iPad check out Spacecraft, Roli Noise, Tal-u-no-lx, Animoog Z and Geoshred with the monophonic SWAM IAPs.

I really like the Osmose, probably one of my top #5 purchases. I love using the built in sounds, and am having fun using it with Falcon/SWAM/Kontakt.

BUT…I hope there is an update making the pressure glide present in MPE mode. It would also be great to open up more user preset slots (if this is even possible), and adding support/integration with the touche.

User presets are currently part of the EM part of Osmose. Unless EE chooses to design another backend layer underneath, this won’t change.

The lack of Touché integration is indeed a missed opportunity for EE themselves. I asked about this 4 years ago. Not that you’d need it badly on the Osmose, however, let’s not forget that EM allows for a “Touche” area to be defined on the Continuum. The Touché could easily make use of this EM feature and allow for example strumming a guitar with Touché with the notes held on the Osmose. Here is an example of such a use:

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you could quite easily get the the EE Touche act as a Haken touch area.
its just a matter to translating the CC17-19 to an MPE midi note, then set the touch area on the patch.

also with the classic touche you could use cv via the cvc, again then altering the patch.

really, this is all more about limitations on the EE Touche, as when using in standalone more there is no ‘customisation’… and so no synth is going to be able to use ‘out of the box’… unless they happen to have CC17-19 spare, and assignable in a mod matrix.

Perhaps best approach would be to lobby EE to add an MPE mode to the touche, so it acts a single mpe ‘key’ (even better support MPE+)

anyway, trivial to do if you are using a computer, and if you wanted to do in hardware, perhaps you could use either a midi processor or something diy using an MCU (teensy etc).

note: practically speaking, if your using something like a Touche alongside the Haken Engine/Osmose, you are very likely to have to alter the patch to make use of it with the Matrix.

but yeah for most of us, using an osmose key with touch area will work fine :slight_smile:

(I actually asked Edmund/Lippold at continuucon about possibility of supporting multiple touch areas … that’d be pretty special e.g. using like expressive Kontakt key=switches)

That’s exactly the point. Osmose being an EE product could be a little more accommodating. This also pertains to having to use Lié for customization. Anyhow, that’s one of the reasons I never went for Touché.

I really like my Osmose, but I do miss having a patch that sounds like an acoustic piano. This should be possible to do fairly good in the sound engine, or am I wrong?

In general, are there any downloadable patches for the Osmose available anywhere?

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Acoustic piano is currently not possible with the EM. For this, a physical model for piano would have to be written for the DSP. You can use PianoTeq with the Osmose already (e.g. iPad) but don’t expect it to be uberexpressive on the Osmose.

This video from two years ago of Osmose controlling IRCAM UVI solo orchestral instruments is brilliant. I want to do it!

But does anyone know if the setup files are available? I can’t find them anywhere. I’m assuming to configure it myself would be days of familiarising myself with the various platforms… I love that kind of thing sometimes but for Osmose I’m a preset user so far, and hoping not to have to lift the bonnet too much too soon!


I suspect a convincing piano could be configured in the EM…but controlling it with the osmose in a convincing manner might be a challenge…or not. I got mine last May. When I feel like a piano, not infrequently, I move over to my upright, which no preset on any synth has equalled in my living room. I like Epianos also, but I use other gear for them too. The Osmose is all about melodic control of indivdual notes, alone or against a local background. Nothing else is remotely close. Your violin…it’s still not like a real one, but so far ahead of what else is around, in terms of expression, well anyway. I’m waiting for a good tutorial series on the synth, but having alot of fun playing it, meantime.

What happened with this ticket? Will this be fixed?

I just started to experiment with MIDI Program Changes. After I found out that I have to send those on MIDI Channel 2 (which is weird), I noticed that the presets change, but the display doesn’t (which is even weirder).

They’ll think about it…

Really? I’ll file another ticket…

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I saw this “pseudo balanced” detail in the specs. Is this something I need to take into account when buying cables for the Osmose?

It only makes the output quieter.

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No, it uses regular TR cables (therefore unbalanced).

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Osmose Firmware v1.1.3 20/09/2023


  • Improved: Reduced lag of GUI
  • Improved: All sensitivity and playing parameters can be edited while freeze is activated
  • Improved: Better description of factory reset process
  • Fixed: Broken “restore factory sensitivity” function

Keys calibration

  • Fixed: Broken bending range after “keys factory reset”
  • Feature: Added manual key calibration in calibration tab of global settings
  • Improved: Key position detection
  • Improved: Balance between left and right bend

Other fixes

  • Fixed: ghost notes
  • Fixed: hanging note when changing octave in the middle of a note
  • Fixed: pitch help behavior when set to 100%
  • Fixed: some bugs on encoders / sliders
  • Fixed: MIDI Clock not forwarded despite MIDI Thru active
  • Fixed: Wrong icon on “dirt” macro

Some have experienced loosing user presets, backup before upgrading !


I wonder when the MPE ARP is going to come.

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Also pretty keen for a better preset management system. Even just a way to create a favourites list.

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