Exporting audio out of Digitone


I finally purchased my digitone after watching many youtube videos about it!
except…i failed to learn one thing…how do I actually get my project onto my computer? after playing with it for what feels like hours I was finally happy with my track and was ready to export…i thought Sysex dump was the answer but I was terribly wrong.

if someone could help me out I would really appreciate it, I’m extremely new to this and clearly have no clue of what I’m doing.

The sysex dump is for making a backup of the project data itself to a computer.

If you want the audio you can either use the audio outs in combination with an audio interface to record into your computer or you use Overbridge BETA which works over an USB connection.


Welcome @Iman!

No such thing as export, you have to record your performance.
Fortunately DN acts as a soundcard, so you can use Overbridge to record the separate tracks. Have a look at that.

Edit: @tnussb was quicker :wink:


thank you! I was able to get things going, I appreciate the help !!

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