Expert Sleepers FH1 and Octatrack. How to get started?

I can’t speak to the FH-1 but I use the FH-2 with a Roland UM-ONE MK2.

I also had a Polyend Poly in my cart before checking in with a few people. It’s apparently pretty flakey and it sounded like Polyend hasn’t being doing much to fix bugs. I then found the FH-2. Happy I grabbed it as I couldn’t be happier! The FH-2 is constantly getting new features added. Very powerful module.

All just FYI. Hope you can get that FH-1 working!

If the fh 1 is like the fh2, you can connect a Midicable to the back. It is hard to explain in English for me.
Basically, the midi expander for the fh2 is just a passive socket. So you can splice a cable and connect it to the the back where the expander would connect.

So for FH 2 no need for a device inbetween.
If you are lucky you can do it with the fh1 too.

I’ve taken a deep breath :smiley:
Nothing light up, just the blue lights on the output jacks and the first two lights - blue and red are constantly on. Even if I plugged in my Arturia Microfreak (Midi Channeln 1) via USB - nothing happens…

That would be great, but as far as I’m reading in other conversations, that midi expander/mod-on-the-back is only available for the FH-2. But thanks for the tipp :slight_smile:


No sync then! …i tried such a cable, between my DT and FH1…and alas it didn’t work. It was made to send from the USB to the DIN not the other way around.

I bought the mio and it works fantastically, it just cost ALOT more…but worked straight away.