Experiences with DSI Tetra and possible alternatives?

The price of a Tempest make it a little impractical but definitely a good choice for a stranger style polysynth that’s really fun to play as one.

Other than that I second the Micromonsta.

I’ve been tempted by the tetra for years but it seems like a pita to me and I enjoy a good challenge

I feel like if there’s something about the DSI vibe that you really notice, nothing but DSI will actually scratch the itch.
Similar to something like moog, and only a moog sounding a particular way.

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Rev2 is the continuation of the prophet 08, which tetra and mopho has voices from i believe

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Never got along with the multi-timbral side of the Tetra but it was my first analog poly. At the time the free Mac editor worked well enough but I agree it was horrible to program from the device itself.

Sold mine to fund a P’08. Much more enjoyable to program but I miss the Tetra’s feedback. Hard to explain but it made such a difference to the tone of the synth. I still have a nonsensical desire for a MophoX4 even though I still have a Rev2 in front of me.

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