Evenly Spaced Slices

Just a stupid one perhaps…
I tried Octochainer to create evenly spaced slices.

I wanna get evenly spaced slices every 10 samples (sample start).

So whats the formula? Bit? Sample Rate?

I tried to load 12 Samples @ Octochainer but did not get evenly spaced slices.

the resolution divisions between the slices depend on the length of the overall sample, so the division size is [length]/120

Thank you…Octochainer generates different sample length overall.
Not sure how to slice that easily so far…

Ok, sometimes the Manual helps:

Evenly spaced grid mode

This mode is mainly for Rytm users. It will generate an evenly spaced grid where the longest loaded sample will dictate the length of each sample in the grid. All shorter samples will be padded with silence.


I did upload 13 Samples with Octochainer, one sample (the longest) is silent with 1ms.
Now its fine!

…and it has to be at 48k to work sample accurate!

But just working @ the Sample Assign. If I leave it, there are different Sample Starts, really not sure what that means. Already erased RAM.

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I’m new here, but thought I would clarify that the app that @ckl is referring to is called OctaChainer not OctoChainer. Caused some confusion when I was trying to google it. Works great for the Model:Samples if you just feed it 12 samples. That way you get a new sound every 10th value of the sample start parameter. You could also just feed it 4 samples. That way if you hold the function button and turn the sample start knob you get a new sound every time you turn the knob since it will jump in increments of 30.
