Even More Single Cycle Waveforms

This is not my tool but I got excited to find this so I thought I’d share. So along with the single sample waveforms that come along with the DT, we also have an amazing collection put together by Adventure Kid - https://www.adventurekid.se/akrt/waveforms/

And today I came across another very cool web tool (I’m super stoked about web based tools to supplement equipment (Digitakt Crunch!!!)) called SCW Editor - http://scw.sheetsofsound.com (Chrome only I believe)

View the video that goes over the features here -

You can create your own single cycle waveforms with a ton of control and preview (something I wish the DT allowed) AND on top of that you can upload your own and tweak those. So basically there is a whole world of sound out there ready to be explored and played with the DT or any other sampling hardware / software.

I may even break out the Korg Volca Sample to play with 100 of these like a portable sound scratchpad. Hope this helps someone out and brings some inspiration.


Thank you very much! Unfortunately, I didn’t really understand the single cycle waves that well. The waveforms supplied with the DT are working fine, with “third-party” single cycle waves the tuning is often incorrect. But I haven’t really dealt with this topic yet.

EDIT: The Single Cycle Editor is fantastic :+1: Any hints for me how to setup the optimal options for using the waves in DT?


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