Empress Zoia // Euroburo


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The Interface Looks fiddly to use. As Synth i d say the Digitone is easier to use. And probably Sounds better too.

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The earliest videos posted by Empress a year ago made it look like more of an effects box with a crazy amount of routing options. They suggested it could be used as a synth, but my take on it was that’s just one of the many things it can do. Looks too fiddly? I fear that too. Hoping it will have a good editor and I would’ve been happier if it was about 4x bigger, personally. Still, on the surface it looks pretty groundbreaking and I’ll most likely give it a try.

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They said no editor awhile back. Who knows though.

I am much less interested in it as a synth than a modular fx processor, Empress style.


Same :slight_smile:

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Yup. As a modular easy to use Audio mangling fx unit i am in. For modular Synth stuff i have a modular Synth. :slight_smile:


For me it comes down to how much of the excellent algorithms from their other pedals Empress is willing to incorporate into that device and how much of them can run in parallel without sacrificing the quality.

If it can fully replace a - let’s say - Echo System, Nebulus and Multidrive this would be a definitive Must-Have. But I’m quite sceptic this will be the case.


I think the idea is that all the ingredients are there but you - as opposed to Empress - do the preperation.

I speculate they’ll upload some choice Empress presets. In addition to offering an online bank where users can upload their own. Basically a more customizable, Empress H9

EDIT: the multidrive is analog.


Recalling all the hard earned things i learned about the Zoia interface, from studying the many videos a year back – I think of it something like Max/MSP in a little box, with some very high level sound generation and manipulation functions. When you add a function it gets put up as a box of buttons on (edit) the button area all of one color. You then can hook various connections from it into other things by pushing buttons between your various functions. (So output of a sequencer goes to a synth, which is sent to a reverb that is connect to midi input, etc.) There is a small b&w screen with text and image that helps you pilot around. The button area scrolls so you can have a field of functions larger than the button area. I could be wrong on details here, but at least that’s the gist.

So that can be in the category of fiddly. But that’s for set up – typically you’re just using it to make music, with patches you’ve already set up, or ones you found that someone else did. Whether there is a computer based editor or not, i don’t know, perhaps that’s something that has been done over the past year. Regardless we’ll be seeing a lot more on this thingy soon.

The Organelle is something similar, you set stuff up for it to run in Pure Data (which is similar to Max). But there you do the set up on a computer. Axolotti is similar too.

I completely agree with you tnussb, what is crucial with this is how well they carry off the built in parts. Their pedals are in general are really good, so i think that augurs well.

I’ve already set aside the 500.

BTW: On the size, it’s totally portable, and big enough to be useful. Funny how it seems whatever size something is, it is simultaneously both too big and too small. Could they make it inflatable somehow?


At the end of Cuckoo’s video – what does YEEEEEAAHMUARY mean? Looks like a month of the year, in some strange language. Is this some sort of code?

Ignore this, i’m just picking at fluff.

It’s a video he’s done for his Jamuary project, and Cuckoo does tend to say “yeah” a lot :smile:

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Looking pretty interesting so far. That’s a ton of connections to manage via the tiny screen. Also wondering if an editor is in the works. They said something about a big repository of patches. If done well, that could be really fun. ala Reaktor blocks.

Haha! Yeah, it’s gotta be hard for these companies. Some (most?) folks want very small and portable, which makes sense, especially if you’re trying to fit lots of gear on one desk. I tend to like fewer, but chunkier pieces. It won’t stop me from buying a Zoia from what I’ve seen :slight_smile:

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Empress is planning on shipping Zoia units on April 15th 2019


Notice the date that this video was released!

There are lots more videos through this link.

Yeah… just ordered one. I was looking at the OP-Z but saw the videos on YouTube. Couldn’t not have one!

Yes. Yesyesyes. Had gone numb to this pedal after the second deadline passed for fear of being disappointed again.

Congratulations Steve and the Empress team. I could see from IG and NAMM vids (and now that Zoia film above) it was no small feat and patience had worn thin. I hope it works out well for ya’ll.

Now influencers: less talk and more FX processing please! Like the last video on that page.

Still not available at my usual store here in Europe but I’m definitely getting one as soon as it is.

I’ve been crazy for this thing ever since the first videos that were released, but I’m totally sold after seeing Oprah listed under the “Bad Robots” list in the promo video :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Hey now Oprah was on both sides!!

Hahahahahaha you’re right!!!