
didn’t even know about it before yesterday, might make sure I have some sort of camera ready when booting the MD from now on though :sweat_smile:

I had a brief moment of panic when I first saw it out of the corner of my eye, quickly realized what it was on a closer look, and then he was gone!


Sooo, the machine obviously sounds better once Elvis has shown. You think it’s a bit like now or never after a certain amount of time/use or what is it?! I’m all shook up here not having seen him when I had the silver boxes.

Guess I’m just saying that, please - don’t be cruel towards us poor souls not being in the club!

Sorry about the rant, feeling a bit lonesome tonight but will try to bounce back. @Elvis, if you in some way are able to channel this, please always remember that I want you, I need you and I love you, man!


Can we have a little less conversation and a little more action, like a pic?


After owning an MD for almost 20 years, I have finally seen the King!


Mary Poppins is also inside !

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Many hundreds of times I have looked at the boot screen. Zilch.
Thinking the coded probability of that particular plock was set at 10’s of a decimal point.

The truth is out there though:


From the pic it looks to me more like sylvester stalone :slight_smile:

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No it’s Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs actually.


One for the Money!

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Sorry to be that guy…but Madsen* :crazy_face:

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Oups. Not Mansen. I corrected.

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Wait! Is this the official MD’s Elvis? I just saw it very quickly, once, and thought such picture had never been shot! :astonished:

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Yes need to know!

Yep. I would say the official graphic. I remember seeing a pic on the old EU forum of it, and the above graphic I lifted from a discussion between a couple of very clever cats Justin and Yatli, who were looking into hacking the Machinedrum OS for some tweaks around the Megacommand. * Reference


Ha. Promptest of follow throughs :heart_eyes_cat:

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elektron should commemorate with an Elvis trig condition, for those of us that need that a cowbell once every 7 years.


same. feels. :disappointed_relieved:

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:3lektron: wait, wait :3lektron:

Can’t believe I didn’t now that one uses mame to emulate the md - my world just got a bit better.

from: https://github.com/jmamma/MIDICtrl20_MegaCommand/issues/88

Get MAME: https://www.mamedev.org/
Unarchive it to, say: ~/mame/
Get MachineDrum firmware dump:
extract it to ~/mame/roms/machdrum/elektron_sps1-1uw_os1.63.bin


This is just a part of the truth… i never saw this one but nother . He walk from the side to the center in comic style, then look at you and a comic bull sy this machine is ok…

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This one looks more like Stallone hahaha.