Elk-herd 3 sneak peek

Amazing work, Mark! really outstanding!

Is there a way to “catch & save” samples into a single project folder? I mean, to create a folder with the project name and then put there all the samples used and maybe the project file too. Just to have an organized backup


@anselmi - That won’t be in the first release… but could be in a future version.

There are some tricky parts to this:

  1. The samples would be downloaded from the device, which is already supported in elk-herd, so it’s just a matter of selecting the ones used by a project.
  2. The number of samples could be large - don’t expect this to be super quick.
  3. Factory samples can’t be downloaded - but then again, shouldn’t really need to be backed up. When the project file is reloaded - it will correctly “reconnect” to those samples where used.
  4. Modifying the backed-up samples in anyway will break their connection to where they are used in the project. I could create a new project format that supports this… but that would be a lot of work, and they’d be non-standard files. (elk-herd 3.0 will read/write project files that are exactly the same format as the machine dumps.)
  5. I can’t really create a nicely laid out directory hierarchy from a web page. The best would be to generate a zip file with the tree inside it… but this will take a lot of memory in the browser.

OK, got it!
I really asked for a internal drive “catch & save”. I mean, create an internal (+drive) folder that have all the project samples with the project name. Not sure if you can also put the project file inside it too. I don´t know if this make sense, but I remember a friend´s MPC-1000 that have this kind of function and it was great for having all the samples of a single project into a single folder to easy spot them and later backup

If not: is it possible in the actual version just to clean (erase) all the +drive samples that are not used in projects with a single “clean house” command?

Sorry for asking so much: I promise that I´ll but you 2 beers!

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:pray: Wow! How long has OB been in development without these features?! :man_shrugging:


I know. It’s crazy.

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Ah, I see. I could do that, but - you can’t (technically) have duplicate samples on the unit. So, the samples would be moved from where they are, not copied or referenced. Also, the +Drive doesn’t operate like a general file system: You can’t store arbitrary files (like the project) in any directory.

This would be great - but the unit still doesn’t allow me to get at the +Drive projects at all, only the currently loaded project. Once I have that API, then I could easily implement a get all the projects, and mark the samples not used by any function.

Not at all! The best way for me to know what is useful to build is to hear from the people who use my work.


I want this much more than per track eq


Brilliant! Imagine the hours saved! Really cool.

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Is there a way to save/recall the midi config for the midi tracks?
I find it very annoying not being able to save my config for my external gear once and then just reuse it across projects/patterns


Or just save a default setup project and start with it each time ?


Not at present: Midi track settings are bundled with the track and effect settings into a “kit” on the Digitakt. And in turn, the the kit is bundled with the sequencer data into a pattern. Operations in elk-herd deal with patterns as a whole(*).

I haven’t intended elk-herd to be a pattern, sequence, or kit editor. In theory, Overbridge is aimed at being a kit editor (among other things) - though in its current form, it has no support for editing the MIDI tracks in a kit, nor any way to copy tracks or kits around.

Moving parts of a pattern (the kit, or just the MIDI tracks of a kit, for example) is something I can consider down road, but definitely after 3.0 is out.

(*) The Digitakt itself has just once place (as of OS 1.11) where the kit can be dealt with separately from the sequencer data: In the pattern menu, you can save or reload just the kit to/from the stored project in the +Drive. There is no way to copy or move the just the kit data to another pattern in the project, or another project


Yeah I use the stored pattern with everything configured for a certain piece of equipment method like re5et mentioned, but it would be waaaay nicer if you could just bring up a saved MIDI config with a knob in each MIDI track. Ugh this would be so nice to just select any MIDI track, turn a knob to select a named piece of equipment, and boom that track is configured for that equipment with all CCs and everything. While I’m wishing, I would love to have a second page of parameters to control…

Mark, this project you’re working on is really amazing. You rule dude!


For the record: These commands are now implemented and will be in the alpha release.


This looks great; will save a lot of time! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Very cool, can’t wait to try this out. Thanks in advance!

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Impressive @mzero. You are an asset to this community.
Thank you!


Thank you very much for your work @mzero !
Thanks for keeping us updated. Rest assured that your work concerning the pattern management of the digitakt is very much appreciated!


So looking forward to this. I want to be able to clear unused samples from a project but there is no way currently (as far as i’m aware).

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:pray: wunderbar ! :pray: