Elk-Herd 3.0

Gosh, trying to transfer some patterns between projects at the moment, and really makes me appreciate this anew…

what ARE your strategies for this when there’s no elk-herd?

save Sounds/copy pattern/load sounds? Is that the best way?

I’m still in 1.30 because I love Elk Herd. But I look to the song mode with tender eyes…

Are you going to upgrade to 1.40 your DT?
  • Yes, I cannot wait to use the song mode
  • No way! I need Elk Herd to organize the mess of mi DT. So I’ll wait.
  • What the hell is a firmware?
  • I don’t owe a DT and I don’t care about you, Elektron nerds…

0 voters


I updated to song mode before I realised it had broken elk herd…

I can’t even remember what I did before it to move patterns tbh! May have to downgrade.

(what would be amazing is if mzero hasn’t come back here recently because he’s busy drinking Pina Coladas in Hawaii because elektron bought elk herd. WE CAN DREAM, right?)


Has there ever been someone so brave who tried the OS downgrade?
If it works, we could easily use song mode, then when in need of housekeeping, we just go back to previous OS and use Elk Herd.
I don’t have the balls to try the downgrade, I’m afraid to brick the unit

I wish I had not upgraded solely due to Elk-herd…pffft!

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The problem is with downgrade you can not use anymore a project saved with the latest version of the OS.

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oh no! i so hope elk herd gets an update!


@mzero any chance we will see an updated elk herd sometime soon?
Song mode and keyboard fold are so tempting but I cannot do without cross-project pattern management…
Maybe a fundraiser (as suggested by @DEEPMOSES) would be a good way?
All best.


looks like he may not have posted since March… maybe the elk-herd github is a better place to offer cash rewards? (would definitely chip in for this)

or maybe he’s gone off his Digitakt

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Hi! – Well, I suppose I did sort of drop off the face of the earth for quite a bit: Went on tour, got COVID, got long-COVID, went to Europe (25th anniversary), father got very sick, and then passed. Huffffffffffffffffff… It’s been a very wild ride of ups and downs this year.

I have finally gotten to look at the internals of 1.40 and it shouldn’t be too hard to support. Here’s my plan:

Elk-Herd 3.1 – will support OS 1.40 machines, BUT will not fix up songs. That is, if you move a pattern that is used in a song, the song won’t be fixed up. This release should happen very soon - as in next week.

Elk-Herd 4.0 – full support of OS 1.40, including fixing up songs when you move patterns. This will take longer, and as it is non-specific winter holiday season, I think end of the month.

Elk-Herd 4.1 – same code, but cleaned up for open source release. This has been way too long in the making… but it needs to happen.

Thanks all for your patience and enthusiastic support. It means a lot to me.


Hi good to see you’re ok! Have no words for the ups and downs and sorry for the bad news All the best!


Great to see that you are fine but really sorry for everything happened through the course of this year.I hope each day will be a sunny one from now on.
Amazing that you are still willing to work on this!You have been truly essential for the management of this machine.Take good care and all the time you need!Glad to see you are alive and kicking!!

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Glad to hear you’re okay, but what a year. Hope you’re doing better now. And are back to full health. Take care man. And thank you so much for the update on the progress of elk herd. Looking forward to using it again.


Wow! This is awesome. Thanks so much!!! Congrats on going to Europe! And very sorry about all your trials and tribulations. COVID (and esp long COVID) is very real and very much suuuuuuuucks. I hope you recover soon if you haven’t already and have a supportive work environment. Thanks again for all you do.

So glad hearing about you and I’m so sorry about your lost. Thank you so much you’re updating our beloved tool. All the best.

Hey, i feel you, hope you will find a better year to come!

Thank you for your work and the plans ahead.
I have a gig next week (9hours nonstop impro with 3 others} and if elk herd gets an update before that, i will kiss your feet!! ;D
And so Awesome that you will share the source code!
all the best!

You, sir, are a legend.


What language did you write elk-herd with? If you need support let me know

Sorry to hear you’ve had that kind of year. hope the Long Covid is fading now and THANK YOU for Elk-Herd as always!

elk-herd is written in Elm, a functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript for the web.