Elektronauts 2.0

With all the requests to combine the Analog Four and Analog Keys forums, I’m surprised they kept them separate.

This will happen in a near future. :pl:


I love this new forum. Great work. Thank you.


just started typing a reply on my iPad, then realized that I needed my computer to finish the post - the stuff I typed on the iPad was instantly just there, ready to continue. pretty nice :thup:


It would be cool to be able to increase the text size, as its very small on my ancient Sony Tablet and old school browser and wont let me zoom (no I wont update). :recycle:

Its all good, I sorted out my zoom problem.

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noticed that it’s not possible to edit certain (old?) posts. e.g. this one: SDS Drop for Mac - Better Sample Upload

The posts themselves are fundamentally editable, I can see (& can do if you need) that, I’m not sure what the thinking has been on locking these older posts down

i’d imagine it’s just panned out that way, but was not a planned outcome, gotta be worth asking why and if it can be rectified … unfortunately the forum administrator/migrator [elektronauts] seemed to imply upcoming absence by declaring a two week cessation to service interruptions … best ask now or it may (if I’m guessing right) take a while to shed some light on this - it may well be one of those things that’s yet to be smoothed out !

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aye, it’s no biggie… probably an oversight, maybe default max editing time of two months or something. just wanted to fix the broken formatting for the support link at the end of the post… if you can do that - cool, cheers!

done :okej:



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didn’t want to create another thread (unless there’s already one and i didn’t find it, in which case, sorry for the double): i still can’t access the preferences page :confused: i get an error and a couple of buttons (go back/retry) the first goes nowhere, retry just reloads the page showing the same error message…is there something wrong i did whilst migrating or do others have this issue as well?

sent you a PM, try that, if no good then let me know, failing that @elektronauts can help I’m sure

I can t find the file section that was on the okd forum is it still here?

There is no Files section yet. I don’t know whether Elektron has plans to re-incorporate that kind of thing.

I hereby summon @elektronauts

For a real smooth experience on iOS I’m now using Opera Coast browser - the simple ability to swipe right to ‘go back’ makes this new forum even easier to use on iPhone.
Check it out:

David is on vacation, so I’ll answer in his place; The files section will return, but there are a few issues that needs to be ironed out first. I don’t know when this will be done though. (However, it is a high priority)


If upon its return, an option for files authors to edit their uploads is put in place… yea…


I’ve also had a few users asking about editing older 1.0 era posts (e.g. to update out of date info or errors etc)

Will this inability to edit older content eventually be addressed, it certainly seems doable as it’s possible for a Mod to do the editing that a user presently can’t ?


Wow just noticed the scroll bar on the right to go quickly slide from the page x to page y (with date mentioned) => SUGOI ! :thup:

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