Elektronauts 2.0

I didn’t find it; it found me!

It sent me an automated notification that someone (on the test version of the forum) had responded to a post of mine ( a small selection of posts from here had seemingly been copied to the test version). So I checked it out, and checked with Elektron to see if it was some kind of phishing attack.

It will appear familiar to some of you.

The test version is up, if you only know where to look.

I looked again after that thread was removed, but it wouldn’t let me see the site any longer.

Puhleaze some tablet optimization with control sizes, etc!

…couple of days without the internet and this is a good news to read after the break :slight_smile: looking forward to the new UI and features…and yeah: more emoticons please, that would be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

I would absolutely appreciate better responsive behavior across mobile device screen sizes. Please :joy:

Colour me excited.


will i still be able to buy fake passports???


And many times, simple css tweaks are enough to make it more usable for giant fingers. Those 1, 2, 3 page navigation controls are typically ridiculous to hit. :slight_smile:

Ahahah :joy:
…I already had forgotten this…
Reminds me I do need a new passport for the holidays, damn !

i dont get it–is the new forum live already? I recieved an email from “Admin Elektronauts” which told me to reset my password. they are writing about a “preferences” page on my account where i am supposed to change my username if it has been changed automatically. are they talking about the 2.0 version? because i can’t find that page on the current foums? i am confused…

yeas we’re all on the new forum already… is why it’s so silent here…


they sent that mail to everyone in advance… guess it’ll go live tomorrow or so

The email message from Elektron begins with:

We are about to roll out the considerably updated Elektronauts 2.0 forum. To start using the forum once it is available, please read the information below.

Don’t feel bad, I fell for that too :smiley:

It WAS a bit misleading.

The email message from Elektron begins with:

We are about to roll out the considerably updated Elektronauts 2.0 forum. To start using the forum once it is available, please read the information below.

i know, but still it is misleading. for me, it read like i HAD to reset my password to use the new forums. why not simply send a mail when the new forum is live?
anyways, looking forward elektronauts 2.0–hopefully, they did not just re-skin the current version…

Will we see elektronauts 2.0 overbridge enabled?? Would be great to have an export / import function from the analog machine direkt to the forum ^^

Yeah, as long as I can log on to the forum with my Octatrack, I’ll be happy.

Jokes aside, I think the absolutely most important aspect is to make the forum designed for phones. Most forum stuff I’m doing from a phone now adays. And I hope it’s blazing fast. And has a great search engine. And perhaps a post tags?

Anyhow, I was logging in today hoping to see the new forum pop up. He he… A bit eager here… Gotta give the swedish time zone a few hours to work before pulling that big switch.

Holy shit, it’s finally here! Very confused so far but it does seem far more advanced than the old style. Am I the first or what?

Wow it will take some time to adjust I guess.

Holy :cow: I mourn the good old pirate emoticon…

Yes you are!! :wink:

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