Elektronauts 1.0 links broken (* this may be sorted eventually)

A lot of the Elektronauts resource is built up already, much of that is questions and solutions, some of it is links to said solutions … these links are now dead ! (same goes for current Google searching of Elektronauts)

Is this just the price of progress, or can we recover the usefulness of the previous resource - could we have an archive of 1.0 somewhere to access that content, even if only to update the live links in 2.0 ?

Anyone think this aspect needs a bit of thought ?

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It should (have) be(en) reasonably straightforward to redirect from the old URLs scheme to the new one so that old links to posts still work.

I assume this will be included in what the administration email referred to as “post processing of old posts”. Keep in mind they also said it would “not happen in the immediate future.”

Well. I hope soon. Cause there was goooood shit there.

@AVANTRONICA sweet icon!


aaah, thanks for spotting that, i’d forgot that comment, that sounds hopeful - good news : )

Images and everything uploaded to the files section is also gone. It would be nice to be able to somehow access all the useful stuff that was uploaded, even if this new forum isn’t going to have file uploads.

Thanks for letting us know. These issues are being worked on, however there are quite a lot to take care of since the launch. Thank you for your patience. Locking thread for now.

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